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[bug #24111] NetBSD Unable to detach thread

From: Sebastian Reitenbach
Subject: [bug #24111] NetBSD Unable to detach thread
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 15:22:43 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.5; Linux) KHTML/3.5.9 (like Gecko) SUSE

Follow-up Comment #13, bug #24111 (project gnustep):

doh, on OpenBSD, everything seems to be fine.
The thread problem only seems to happen, when I have gobjc from gcc-4.2
installed. This only has the following symbols:

nm /usr/local/lib/libobjc.so.2.0 | grep thre
0000ee44 T __objc_close_thread_system
0000ee38 T __objc_init_thread_system
20006ab8 B __objc_is_multi_threaded
20002770 D __objc_runtime_threads_alive
0000ee50 T __objc_thread_detach
0000ed68 t __objc_thread_detach_function
0000ee78 T __objc_thread_exit
20006ab4 B __objc_thread_exit_status
0000eeac T __objc_thread_get_data
0000ee64 T __objc_thread_get_priority
0000ee84 T __objc_thread_id
0000ee90 T __objc_thread_set_data
0000ee58 T __objc_thread_set_priority
0000ee70 T __objc_thread_yield
20006abc B _objc_became_multi_threaded
0000e7a0 T objc_set_thread_callback
0000eae0 T objc_thread_add
0000ecb8 T objc_thread_detach
0000ec20 T objc_thread_exit
0000ebe4 T objc_thread_get_data
0000ec7c T objc_thread_get_priority
0000e830 T objc_thread_id
0000eaa4 T objc_thread_remove
0000ec00 T objc_thread_set_data
0000ec98 T objc_thread_set_priority
0000ec60 T objc_thread_yield
20006ac0 b thread_local_storage

obviously, my problem that I reported here:
I had linked against the wrong libobjc, because I still have this problem
reported here:

So in short, this particular problem doesn't really exist on OpenBSD, sorry
for the noise here.


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