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Re: [Bug-librejs] interface question

From: Ivan Zaigralin
Subject: Re: [Bug-librejs] interface question
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 13:10:13 -0500
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From the silence, I infer that there is no way to disable the default interface.

So let me preface this by saying that I am rather incensed that sites are
serving non-free code, and I see a tremendous utility in an extension such
as librejs.

But IMHO, this issue should be regarded as a bug, or at least as a severe
usability concern. As you can tell by now, I am not an enemy of complaining,
and I would love to start using librejs and to complain at the sites that serve
non-free code. I am stopped, however, but the offered interface.

1. The torch blocks a portion of the page I am trying to browse.

2. The torch appears to be a part of the page I am trying to browse. I am
not exactly confused, but should it really be that way? From where I sit
it looks like the extension modifies the content of the page, but there is
absolutely no reason why it should do so.

3. Almost every time I want to scroll down the page, the mouse cursor slides
over the torch. It gets triggered, the thing slides out and starts animating.
This is so obnoxious, I can hardly believe that anyone, including the devs,
would use this.

To sum up, drawing into the content is a very poor choice. Activating on
mouse-over is even worse.

Why not remove the torch and instead indicate the presence of non-free code
by altering a toolbar button? When a user presses the toolbar button, the
thing may slide out.

On 02/01/2014 06:20 PM, Ivan Zaigralin wrote:
> Is there a way to disable the torch slide-out thingy? In other words,
> is there a way to run librejs without it drawing anything in the browser 
> window?

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