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Re: bug in cleaarcae mvfs for linux confuses make VPATH

From: Richard Sharman
Subject: Re: bug in cleaarcae mvfs for linux confuses make VPATH
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 08:12:15 -0500

Marty Leisner writes:
| You seem to be mixing up SDPParser.h and SDPContext.h
Yeah, silly cut and paste.  The original makefile had two .h files;
I cut it down to 1 but wasn't quite consitent.  The problem happens with
either of them of course.

|  -- but MVFS file system are not posix  compatible -- I ran into this when I
| tried to diff two trees...

Yeah,  a couple of years ago we had problem with one version of diff,
it thought the files were identical because of a similar problem.
We found the newer version you quoted from below fixed it, they added an
extra check I think.

| You can  just use snapshot views?
| (Or don't use clearcase ;-))

Out of my hands that is!  (The makefile is part of a tool that has to
work with the way things are done here...)

| I suppose having a VPATH across two views will cause problems...
| Supposedly this has been fixed:
| (from gnu diff system.h:
| /* Do struct stat *S, *T have the same file attributes?
|    POSIX says that two files are identical if st_ino and st_dev are
|    the same, but many filesystems incorrectly assign the same (device,
|    inode) pair to two distinct files, including:
|    - GNU/Linux NFS servers that export all local filesystems as a
|      single NFS filesystem, if a local device number (st_dev) exceeds
|      255, or if a local inode number (st_ino) exceeds 16777215.
|    - Network Appliance NFS servers in snapshot directories; see
|      Network Appliance bug #195.

Yeah,  that's the fix I was thinking of.

|    - ClearCase MVFS; see bug id ATRia04618.

Oh, that's useful,  thanks.   We'll have to see when (if?) it gets fixed...

| marty

Thanks for the feedback.

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