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Re: [Bug-sysutils] argp changes for chage.c

From: Barry deFreese
Subject: Re: [Bug-sysutils] argp changes for chage.c
Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 07:11:49 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040413 Debian/1.6-5

Marco Gerards wrote:

Barry deFreese <address@hidden> writes:

OK, I mutilated the hell out of chage.c to add argp functionality.  I
still have a few minor problems but I wanted to run it by you guys to
see what you think.  I'm still struggling a little with the uses of
min, max, etc when they should exist in the expiry struct??

I had a quick look at your patch.  Hopefully you will find my comments


Thanks for taking the time Marco.

+const char *argp_program_version = "chage (sysutils) 0.1.2";
+const char *argp_program_bug_address = "<address@hidden>";

The best thing you could do is using a shared macro for the version
and bug report address.  You can do this by using autoconf.

I know, I need to fix this.

+    {"min",  'm', "VALUE", 0, "the minimum number of days before the password "
+                          "can be changed"},
+    {"max",  'M', "VALUE", 0, "the maximum number of days before the password "
+                          "must be changed"},
+    {"warn", 'W', "VALUE", 0, "the number of days to warn before the password 

Using the word VALUE is quite generic.  I would use DAYS instead.
What do you think?

Yes, makes sense.

+       case ARGP_KEY_INIT:
+           memset(&arguments, -2, sizeof(arguments));

Why do you want to set it to -2?  Using 0 does not seem logical to me,
is there a reason?  If you set it to 0 you won't need the next line:

I had it set to 0 originally but in Davids code later on he checks
against -2 and I didn't want to hack up the code more than I already
have.. :-)

+           arguments->users = (char**) malloc(sizeof(char **));

- *  @return 0 on success, errno on failure
+ *   @return 0 on success, errno on failure

Please be careful about this.  I assume this is accidental.

This was code from David, I haven't changed this.

-       /* Initialise support for locales, and set the program-name */
+       /* Initialize support for locales, and set the program-name */

Same here.

Same here.. :-)

+       /* FIXME?? There is probably a better way to handle since the userlist
+        * is now in an argp struct but I didn't want to hack the code
+        * up too bad. bdd
+        */


This code looks like it splits the arguments by ','.  I thought you
wanted to replace that? :)

I did change it.  ARGP_KEY_ARG now builds an array arguments.users of
the users rather than a string of users seperated by commas.

-       if (optind == 1) {
+       if (argc == 1 && arguments.usercount >1) {

I think it is better to do this in your argp parser.  That would be
cleaner IMHO.

Probably but I wasn't quite sure what he was getting at here?  What do
you suggest?

Thanks for taking the time Marco!!

Barry deFreese
Debian 3.0r1 "Woody"
Registered Linux "Newbie" #302256 - Hurd H4XX0r wannabe

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving
to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe
trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is
winning." Rich Cook.

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