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[Bug-tar] Don't corect restored

From: Gürkan Karaman
Subject: [Bug-tar] Don't corect restored
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2005 11:03:18 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.7.1


i found following bug, when I restored a incremental tarfiles, then ist the 
timestamp not correct.
The timestamp of dir1/subdir1 was not correct restored
because utime for this directory is called before utime
for the file dir1/subdir1/foofile.
This problem only occurs with incremental tarfiles (-g/-G).

Now utime in extract.c is called for `dir1/subdir1'
Now utime in extract.c is called for `dir1/subdir2'
Now utime in extract.c is called for `dir1/subdir1/foofile'
Now utime in extract.c is called for `dir1'
Now utime in extract.c is called for `dir2/subdir1'
Now utime in extract.c is called for `dir2/subdir2/foofile'
Now utime in extract.c is called for `dir2/subdir2'
Now utime in extract.c is called for `dir2'

I send a example Shell-Prog withe the mail. 

Attachment: gtarbug.sh
Description: application/shellscript

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