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Re: [Bug-tar] Verify option not working with incremental backups

From: Andrew Henry
Subject: Re: [Bug-tar] Verify option not working with incremental backups
Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2007 21:47:36 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070604)

Eric Blake wrote:
>> I'm not the primary tar maintainer, so I'm not sure whether the problem
>> has been fixed in 1.18 or not; but I do know that the NEWS for 1.17 states:
>> * Fix operation of --verify --listed-incremental.  Version 1.16.1 produced
>>   a full dump when both options were given.
>> So I do know that --listed-incremental has seen changes.
>> You may be better off resuming this conversation on list, if you want the
>> actual maintainer to chime in.
I actually meant to send the mail to the list, but apparently, I was
even unable to achieve that simply task...the result of being in rant mode.

That is exactly what I was looking for, and it does appear that this
will fix my problem.  I said that I would read the changelog and I did,
so I read about this yesterday.

Guess anyone can make mistakes, but it is a bit disturbing that
something seemingly central to TARs function (verifying and incremental)
could experience a regression.  I remember now that it worked in 1.15
and when I upgraded to Ubuntu 7.04, containing 1.16, I started
experiencing this problem.


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