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[Chicken-users] FastCGI interface

From: Alex Drummond
Subject: [Chicken-users] FastCGI interface
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 21:55:22 +0100

I couldn't find a FastCGI library for Chicken, so I had a go at putting
together some bindings to the FCGX API of libfcgi. The result is only
~200 lines, but I thought I would post it here in case someone finds it
useful. Here's some example code (tested with lighttpd), followed by the
code for the bindings:

----- example -----
(declare (uses fastcgi))

(fluid-let ((*fcgi-slurp-chunk-size* 200))
    (lambda (in out err env)
      (out "Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n")
      (out "<html><body>")

      ;; Look up the value of the SERVER_NAME environment variable
      ;; and print it.
      (out "<b>This server is: </b>")
      (out (env "SERVER_NAME" "[unknown]"))
      (out "<br><br>")

      ;; Print the name and value of every environment variable.
      (out "<table><tr><th align=\"left\">Variable</th>")
      (out "<th align=\"left\")>Value</th></tr>")
          ((key . value)
           (out "<tr><td>")
           (out key)
           (out "</td><td>")
           (out value)
           (out "</td></tr>")))
      (out "</table>")
      (out "<br><br>")

      ;; Print POST data, if there is any.
      (let ((post-data (in)))
        (when post-data
          (out "The following post data was given:<br>")
          (out post-data)))
      (out "</body></html>"))))

----- bindings -----
  (unit fastcgi)
  (uses lolevel srfi-1 srfi-13)
  (export fcgi-accept-loop

;;; Low-level bindings for types/functions.

(define-foreign-type fcgx-stream c-pointer)
(define-foreign-type fcgx-param-array (pointer c-string))
(define-foreign-record fcgx_request
  (constructor: make-fcgx_request)
  (int requestId)
  (int role)
  (fcgx-stream in)
  (fcgx-stream out)
  (fcgx-stream error)
  (fcgx-param-array env)
  ;; This is private stuff which in theory could change in future
  ;; (though AFAIK libfcgi hasn't changed significantly for years.)
  ;; We don't access these fields, but we need to allocate the correct
  ;; amount of memory when creating an FCGX_Request struct.
  (c-pointer params)
  (int ipcFd)
  (int isBeginProcssed)
  (int keepConnection)
  (int appStatus)
  (int nWriters)
  (int flags)
  (int listen_sock))

(define fcgx-init
  (foreign-lambda int "FCGX_Init"))

(define fcgx-open-socket
  (foreign-lambda int "FCGX_OpenSocket" c-string int))

(define fcgx-init-request
  (foreign-lambda int "FCGX_InitRequest" fcgx_request int int))

(define fcgx-accept-r
  (foreign-lambda int "FCGX_Accept_r" (pointer fcgx_request)))

(define fcgx-finish-r
  (foreign-lambda int "FCGX_Finish_r" (pointer fcgx_request)))

(define fcgx-get-param
    c-string fcgx-param-array))

(define fcgx-put-str
    c-string int fcgx-stream))

(define fcgx-get-str
    c-pointer int fcgx-stream))

;;; A couple of utility functions for incrementing pointers.
(define s-pointer+1
    ((c-pointer p))
    "return(((char *)p) + 1);"))
(define sarray-pointer+1
    (pointer c-string)
    (((pointer c-string) p))
    "return(p + 1);"))

;;; The (relatively) high-level Scheme interface.

(define (wrap-out-stream s)
  (lambda (o)
    ;;; Keep writing until all the characters in o have been written, or
    ;;; until fcgx-put-str returns < 0, in which case we raise an
    (let loop ((to-write (string-length o)))
      (unless (= 0 to-write)
        (let ((n (fcgx-put-str o to-write s)))
          (if (< n 0)
                'message "Error writing to libfcgi stream"))
            (loop (- to-write n))))))))

;;; This determines how large a buffer to allocate when reading in
;;; an entire input stream. (This does not place any limit on the length
;;; of stream which can be read in -- multiple buffers will be used
;;; if the entire stream cannot fit in a single buffer.)
(define *fcgi-slurp-chunk-size* 200)

(define (wrap-in-stream s)
  ;; Convert a buffer to a Scheme string.
  (define buf->string
      ((c-pointer s) (int end))
      ((char *)s)[end] = '\\0';
  (lambda n
      ;; If an integer argument is given, read that
      ;; number of characters...
      ((not (null? n))
       (let* ((n (car n))
              (buffer (allocate (+ 1 n))))
         (let loop ((r 0))
           (if (= r n)
             ;; We've finished reading.
             (buf->string buffer n)
             ;; Otherwise, try to read the remaining bytes.
             (let ((r2 (fcgx-get-str (s-pointer+1 buffer) (- n r) s)))
               (if (< r2 0)
                     'message "Error reading from libfcgi stream"))
                 (loop (+ r r2))))))))
        ;; ...otherwise, read the entire stream.
        (let loop ((c-string-stack `((,(allocate (+ 1
          (let ((r (fcgx-get-str (caar c-string-stack)
*fcgi-slurp-chunk-size* s)))
              ((< r 0)
                   'message "Error reading from libfcgi stream")))
              ((< r *fcgi-slurp-chunk-size*)
               (set-cdr! (car c-string-stack) r)
               (let ((entire-stream
                       (apply string-append
                           (lambda (pr) (buf->string (car pr) (cdr pr)))
                           (reverse c-string-stack)))))
                 (if (string=? "" entire-stream)
               (set-cdr! (car c-string-stack) r)
               (loop (cons (cons (allocate *fcgi-slurp-chunk-size*) 0)

(define (wrap-env e)
    ((k . alternative)
       (let ((r (fcgx-get-param k e)))
         (if r
           (:optional alternative #f))))
     ;; Convert the char ** array into a list of key/value cons pairs.
     (let loop ((strlist '()) (p e))
       (let ((deref
               ((foreign-lambda* c-string (((pointer c-string) ps))
            (loop (cons deref strlist) (sarray-pointer+1 p)))
               (lambda (s)
                 (let ((idx (string-index s #\=)))
                   (unless idx
                         'message "Internal error in libfcgi")))
                     (substring s 0 idx)
                     (substring s (+ 1 idx)))))

(define *fcgi-has-been-initialised* #f)

;;; Given EITHER a filename or a port as its first argument,
;;; fcgi-accept-loop opens a suitable socket and listens on it.
;;; The second argument specifies the 'backlog' argument
;;; to pass to listen(...). The third argument is a callback,
;;; as described below.
;;; Exceptions are raised for all errors which may occur in the course
;;; opening the socket/listening for a connection.
;;; If a connection is made, the callback argument is called
;;; with four arguments.
;;; First argument to callback:
;;; A procedure which reads from the input stream, returning a string.
;;; If called with no arguments, it reads the entire stream,
;;; returning #f if the stream is empty. If called with a single integer
;;; argument, it reads the specified number of bytes.
;;; Second and third arguments to callback:
;;; Procedures for writing strings to the output and
;;; error streams respectively.
;;; Fourth argument to callback:
;;; A lookup procedure for the environment specified
;;; by the server. If called with no arguments, it returns a list
;;; of (name . value) conses. If called with a single string argument,
;;; it returns the relevant value in the environment.
;;; An optional second argument specifies
;;; a default value to be returned if the environment variable specified
;;; by the first argument isn't set.
;;; If only the first argument is passed, #f is returned
;;; if the environment variable isn't set.
;;; Each of the reading/writing procedures raises an exception
;;; if there is an error reading/writing.
;;; If the callback returns #f, everything is shut down (no more
;;; for connections) and fcgi-accept-loop returns.
(define (fcgi-accept-loop filename/port backlog callback)
  ;; Initialise the FCGX library if it hasn't already been initialised.
  (unless *fcgi-has-been-initialised*
    (unless (fcgx-init)
          'message "Unable to initialise libfcgi")))
    (set! *fcgi-has-been-initialised* #t))
  ;; Open a socket.
  (let ((sock
            (if (string? filename/port)
              ;; To pass a port to FCGX_OpenSocket, you pass it a string
              ;; of the form ":PORT_NUMBER".
              (string-append ":" (number->string filename/port)))
    (unless (>= sock 0)
          'message "Unable to open socket using libfcgi")))
    ;; Initialise a request object.
    (let* ((req (make-fcgx_request))
           (r (fcgx-init-request req sock 0)))
      (unless (>= r 0)
            'message "Unable to initialise libfcgi request struct")))
      (let loop ()
        ;; Wait for a connection from the webserver.
        (let ((ar (fcgx-accept-r req)))
            ((>= ar 0)
             ;; The connection was successful, so call the callback...
             (when (callback
                     (wrap-in-stream (fcgx_request-in req))
                     (wrap-out-stream (fcgx_request-out req))
                     (wrap-out-stream (fcgx_request-error req))
                     (wrap-env (fcgx_request-env req)))
               ;; ... and wait for another connection if the callback
               ;; return #f.
              ;; There was an error, so cleanup and raise an exception.
              (fcgx-finish-r req)
                'message "Error while waiting to accept request using\


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