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Re: [Chicken-users] 32 bit integers?

From: Dan Muresan
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] 32 bit integers?
Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 22:33:19 +0300
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070306)

Wider integers are promoted to flonums.

Or to bignums with the numbers egg (full numeric tower).

Right, that's why I specified "normal" numbers.

Especially if you didn't expect it. (It is documented but a tutorial on foreign function interfacing would be nice.)

Actually, I haven't found the 31-bit format documented anywhere (maybe I missed it). I thought that at least normal C int's would always fit in a fixnum. It was an unpleasant surprise to see an expression like (logior flags ...) fail, when "flags" was promoted to a flonum.

If you use one of integer unsigned-integer integer32 unsigned-integer32 integer64 long unsigned-long as a foreign parameter/return type Chicken will automatically convert a flonum integer to/from the native type.

Yes, but flonum's can't be used in some contexts:

* bit ops

* modulo-2^32 arithmetic (i.e. C-like 32-bit wraparound arithmetic)

I don't see a way to hack these using flonums. Bignums would solve the problem but they're slow.

Would the native integers be part of the numeric tower? If so this is a major piece of work. If disjoint from the number type then fairly straightforward to create but of limited utility.

I'm not really sure what "disjoint" means here... They would be available without (require-extension numbers). There would be separate functions native+, native* etc. OCaml has native integers for this very reason.


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