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Re: [circle] circle web search wishlist (long)

From: Jiri Baum
Subject: Re: [circle] circle web search wishlist (long)
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2003 11:51:42 +1000
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

> A question -- what exactly determines where a node ends up on the
> circle? is it just a random number that a hacked client could fake, or
> is it tied to something harder to mess with?

It used to be a random number, but there have been suggestions for
making it the latter; don't know what became of them. Even so, messing
with it can't be harder than O(number of people on the network).

> What would happen to two nodes with exactly the same hash key?

The hashes are long enough that this is unlikely to happen by accident.

Jiri Baum <address@hidden> 
  MAT LinuxPLC project --- --- Machine Automation Tools

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