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Sablepath packages available to download

From: Etienne M. Gagnon
Subject: Sablepath packages available to download
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 23:19:24 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.20i

Hi Brian and all Classpath members,

After fighting with some broken auto* packages on Debian "unstable",
I've managed to package a "virtual machine independent" version of the
sablepath-classes and sablepath-libs.

These packages are based on a snapshot of the GNU Classpath CVS repository
as of Mon Sep 10 17:30:00 UTC 2001.

The advantage of sablepath-classes is that it contains "platform and VM
independent" Java source code (and resources in their own directory tree).
It can be build using a set of simple command lines, or in a single command
using Ant.  (Requires Jikes 1.13, do not use 1.14).

The advantage of sablepath-libs is that it contains "platform dependent, yet
VM independent" source code.  This one generates usual native libs using
the GNU auto* tools.

Neither packages requires a VM for building, nor do they require any VM
specific switches.

Furthermore, Sablepath-libs stores source code in intuitively named directories,
one per native library, with names like "gnu-java-awt-image" instead of
"cpgdkpixbuf";-)  [Obviously, I had to religiously update the .java source
files to make the appropriate System.loadLibrary() calls].

Currently, the AWT native code does not compile on my system (I get a gcc
error saying "attempting to dereference an incomplete type").  I will have
to investigate why my header files for the gtk/gdk libraries do not contain
the proper definitions.  Your help is absolutely welcome!

- You do not need any of the GNU auto* tools to build the above packages.
- If you want to experiment directly with the Sablepath-* CVS repository,
and if you are on Debian "sid", simply go to (or mirrors),
and download the latest automake, autoconf and libtool source packages,
and install them locally.

Have fun!  And please report back to me your comments as well as your
success/failure stories.  You can also file bug reports on:


Etienne M. Gagnon          

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