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[Commit-gnuradio] r4953 - in gnuradio/branches/developers/matt/u2f/top:

From: matt
Subject: [Commit-gnuradio] r4953 - in gnuradio/branches/developers/matt/u2f/top: safe_bringup u2_basic
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 15:01:30 -0600 (MDT)

Author: matt
Date: 2007-04-11 15:01:29 -0600 (Wed, 11 Apr 2007)
New Revision: 4953

just work in u2_basic for now

(Binary files differ)

Modified: gnuradio/branches/developers/matt/u2f/top/safe_bringup/safe_bringup.v
--- gnuradio/branches/developers/matt/u2f/top/safe_bringup/safe_bringup.v       
2007-04-11 20:59:34 UTC (rev 4952)
+++ gnuradio/branches/developers/matt/u2f/top/safe_bringup/safe_bringup.v       
2007-04-11 21:01:29 UTC (rev 4953)
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 module safe_bringup
    // Misc, debug
    output led1,
    output led2,
@@ -101,9 +100,12 @@
    // I2C
    input SCL,
    input SDA,
-   input SCL_force,
-   input SDA_force,
+   output SCL_force,
+   output SDA_force,
+   //IOBUF IOPIN11(.O(scl_pad_i), .IO(SCL), .I(scl_pad_o), .T(scl_padoen_o));
+   //IOBUF IOPIN2(.O(sda_pad_i), .IO(SDA), .I(sda_pad_o), .T(sda_padoen_o));
    // Clock Gen Control
    output [1:0] clk_en,
    output [1:0] clk_sel,
@@ -205,6 +207,22 @@
       .sclk(sclk),.sdi(sdo),.sdo(sdi)  // FIXME these need to be shared
+   system_control (.aux_clk(),.clk_fpga(),.POR(),
+                  .dsp_clk(),.reset_out(),
+                  .wb_clk_o(),.wb_rst_o());
+   i2c_master_top i2c (.wb_clk_i(),.wb_rst_i(),.arst_i(), 
+                      .wb_adr_i(),.wb_dat_i(),.wb_dat_o(),
+                      .wb_we_i(),.wb_stb_i(),.wb_cyc_i(),
+                      .wb_ack_o(),.wb_inta_o,
+                      .scl_pad_i(),.scl_pad_o(),.scl_padoen_o(),
+                      .sda_pad_i(),.sda_pad_o(),.sda_padoen_o() );
+   spi_top shared_spi
+     (.wb_clk_i(),.wb_rst_i(),.wb_adr_i(),.wb_dat_i(),.wb_dat_o(),.wb_sel_i(),
+      .wb_we_i(),.wb_stb_i(),.wb_cyc_i(),.wb_ack_o(),.wb_err_o(),.wb_int_o(),
+      .ss_pad_o(),.sclk_pad_o(),.mosi_pad_o(),.miso_pad_i() );
 endmodule // u2_basic

Deleted: gnuradio/branches/developers/matt/u2f/top/u2_basic/u2_basic.v

Copied: gnuradio/branches/developers/matt/u2f/top/u2_basic/u2_basic.v (from rev 
4952, gnuradio/branches/developers/matt/u2f/top/safe_bringup/safe_bringup.v)
--- gnuradio/branches/developers/matt/u2f/top/u2_basic/u2_basic.v               
                (rev 0)
+++ gnuradio/branches/developers/matt/u2f/top/u2_basic/u2_basic.v       
2007-04-11 21:01:29 UTC (rev 4953)
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// Module Name:    safe_bringup
+// Revision: 
+// Revision 0.01 - File Created
+// Additional Comments: 
+// Nearly everything is an input
+module safe_bringup
+  (
+   // Misc, debug
+   output led1,
+   output led2,
+   output [31:0] debug,
+   output [1:0] debug_clk,
+   // Expansion
+   input exp_pps_in_p, // Diff
+   input exp_pps_in_n, // Diff
+   output exp_pps_out_p, // Diff 
+   output exp_pps_out_n, // Diff 
+   // GMII
+   //   GMII-CTRL
+   input GMII_COL,
+   input GMII_CRS,
+   //   GMII-TX
+   input [7:0] GMII_TXD,
+   input GMII_TX_EN,
+   input GMII_TX_ER,
+   input GMII_GTX_CLK,
+   input GMII_TX_CLK,  // 100mbps clk
+   //   GMII-RX
+   input [7:0] GMII_RXD,
+   input GMII_RX_CLK,
+   input GMII_RX_DV,
+   input GMII_RX_ER,
+   //   GMII-Management
+   input MDIO,
+   input MDC,
+   input PHY_INTn,   // open drain
+   input PHY_RESETn,
+   input PHY_CLK,   // possibly use on-board osc
+   // RAM
+   input [17:0] RAM_D,
+   input [18:0] RAM_A,
+   input RAM_CE1n,
+   input RAM_CENn,
+   input RAM_CLK,
+   input RAM_WEn,
+   input RAM_OEn,
+   input RAM_LDn,
+   // SERDES
+   input ser_enable,
+   input ser_prbsen,
+   input ser_loopen,
+   input ser_tx_clk,
+   input [15:0] ser_t,
+   input ser_tklsb,
+   input ser_tkmsb,
+   input ser_rx_clk,
+   input ser_rx_en,
+   input [15:0] ser_r,
+   input ser_rklsb,
+   input ser_rkmsb,
+   // CPLD interface
+   input spi_cpld_en,
+   input spi_cpld_dout,
+   input spi_cpld_din,
+   input spi_cpld_clk,   // temporary bootstrap clock
+   // ADC
+   input [13:0] adc_a,
+   input adc_ovf_a,
+   input adc_oen_a,
+   input adc_pdn_a,
+   input [13:0] adc_b,
+   input adc_ovf_b,
+   input adc_oen_b,
+   input adc_pdn_b,
+   // DAC
+   input [15:0] dac_a,
+   input [15:0] dac_b,
+   // I2C
+   input SCL,
+   input SDA,
+   output SCL_force,
+   output SDA_force,
+   //IOBUF IOPIN11(.O(scl_pad_i), .IO(SCL), .I(scl_pad_o), .T(scl_padoen_o));
+   //IOBUF IOPIN2(.O(sda_pad_i), .IO(SDA), .I(sda_pad_o), .T(sda_padoen_o));
+   // Clock Gen Control
+   output [1:0] clk_en,
+   output [1:0] clk_sel,
+   input clk_func,        // FIXME is an input to control the 9510
+   input clk_status,
+   // Clocks
+   input clk_fpga_p,
+       input clk_fpga_n,  // Diff
+   input clk_to_mac,
+   input pps_in,
+   // Generic SPI
+   output sclk,
+   output sen_clk,
+   input sen_dac,
+   output sdi,
+   input sdo,
+   // TX DBoard
+   input sen_tx_db,
+   input sclk_tx_db,
+   input sdo_tx_db,
+   input sdi_tx_db,
+   input sen_tx_adc,
+   input sclk_tx_adc,
+   input sdo_tx_adc,
+   input sdi_tx_adc,
+   input sen_tx_dac,
+   input sclk_tx_dac,
+   input sdi_tx_dac,
+   input [15:0] io_tx,
+   // RX DBoard
+   input sen_rx_db,
+   input sclk_rx_db,
+   input sdo_rx_db,
+   input sdi_rx_db,
+   input sen_rx_adc,
+   input sclk_rx_adc,
+   input sdo_rx_adc,
+   input sdi_rx_adc,
+   input sen_rx_dac,
+   input sclk_rx_dac,
+   input sdi_rx_dac,
+   input [15:0] io_rx
+   );
+       wire clk_fpga;
+       IBUFGDS clk_fpga_pin (.O(clk_fpga),.I(clk_fpga_p),.IB(clk_fpga_n));
+       defparam clk_fpga_pin.IOSTANDARD = "LVPECL_25";
+       wire exp_pps_in;
+       IBUFGDS exp_pps_in_pin 
+       defparam exp_pps_in_pin.IOSTANDARD = "LVDS_25";
+       wire exp_pps_out;
+       OBUFDS exp_pps_out_pin 
+       defparam exp_pps_out_pin.IOSTANDARD = "LVDS_25";
+       // defparam exp_pps_out_pin.DRIVE = 12;   // FIXME  These seem to give 
+       // defparam exp_pps_out_pin.SLEW = "SLOW";
+       wire reset;
+       reg [31:0] rst_ctr;
+       wire    aux_clk = spi_cpld_clk;
+       assign reset = rst_ctr[29];
+       always @(posedge aux_clk)
+               rst_ctr <= rst_ctr + 32'd1;
+   reg [23:0] counter;
+       always @(posedge aux_clk)
+               counter <= #1 counter + 24'd1;
+       assign debug = {clk_status, reset, sen_clk, sclk, sdi, sdo};
+       assign led1 = counter[23];
+       assign led2 = 1'b0;
+       assign debug_clk[0] = aux_clk;
+       assign debug_clk[1] = clk_fpga; 
+   clock_control clock_control 
+     (.reset(reset),
+      .aux_clk(aux_clk),    // 25MHz, for before fpga clock is active
+      .clk_fpga(clk_fpga),  // real 100 MHz FPGA clock
+      .clk_en(clk_en),      // controls source of reference clock
+      .clk_sel(clk_sel),    // controls source of reference clock
+      .clk_func(clk_func),  // SYNC or reset to 9510
+      .clk_status(clk_status),  // Monitor PLL or SYNC status
+      .sen(sen_clk),        // Enable for the AD9510
+      .sclk(sclk),.sdi(sdo),.sdo(sdi)  // FIXME these need to be shared
+      );
+   system_control (.aux_clk(),.clk_fpga(),.POR(),
+                  .dsp_clk(),.reset_out(),
+                  .wb_clk_o(),.wb_rst_o());
+   i2c_master_top i2c (.wb_clk_i(),.wb_rst_i(),.arst_i(), 
+                      .wb_adr_i(),.wb_dat_i(),.wb_dat_o(),
+                      .wb_we_i(),.wb_stb_i(),.wb_cyc_i(),
+                      .wb_ack_o(),.wb_inta_o,
+                      .scl_pad_i(),.scl_pad_o(),.scl_padoen_o(),
+                      .sda_pad_i(),.sda_pad_o(),.sda_padoen_o() );
+   spi_top shared_spi
+     (.wb_clk_i(),.wb_rst_i(),.wb_adr_i(),.wb_dat_i(),.wb_dat_o(),.wb_sel_i(),
+      .wb_we_i(),.wb_stb_i(),.wb_cyc_i(),.wb_ack_o(),.wb_err_o(),.wb_int_o(),
+      .ss_pad_o(),.sclk_pad_o(),.mosi_pad_o(),.miso_pad_i() );
+endmodule // u2_basic

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