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Re: FW: Problem compiling latest DDD under latest cygwin

From: Andrew Gaylard
Subject: Re: FW: Problem compiling latest DDD under latest cygwin
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 2003 10:27:19 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0.1) Gecko/20021003

Philip Schlesinger wrote:
Hi Andrew.  I saw you emailed the list regarding another user's problem with
compiling DDD under cygwin.  I emailed the list about the same time with
what seemed to be a different problem, but I'm a complete newbie, so I have
no idea...

Could you take a peek at the attached message and let me know if you have
any ideas about what might be causing my problems?  I'd really appreciate




Problem compiling latest DDD under latest cygwin
"Philip Schlesinger" <address@hidden>
Tue, 14 Oct 2003 17:17:24 -0700

Hi!  I just installed a full install version of the latest cygwin.

I then downloaded and tried the install process for the latest DDD. 'bash ./configure' works great. Then, when I run 'make check', the following 3 snippets appear in the middle of what appears to be mostly good compiling. I'm an absolute newbie when it comes to unix. Help? - Phil

PS - Wow the compile process shoots my CPU to 100%, though my kernel doesn't get past about 75% (I have a Dell Inspiron 5000 Pentium III 500/600 running Windows XP Pro).

g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I. -I./.. -isystem /usr/X11R6/include -DNDEBUG -O2 -g -W -Wall -trigraphs -c -o userinf

o.o `test -f 'userinfo.C' || echo './'`userinfo.C
/bin/sh ../libtool --mode=link g++ -DNDEBUG -O2 -g -W -Wall -trigraphs -o userinfo.exe userinfo.o -lm
mkdir .libs
g++ -DNDEBUG -O2 -g -W -Wall -trigraphs -o userinfo.exe userinfo.o
(cat $HOME/.ddd_userinfo 2> /dev/null || \
./userinfo || echo '(unknown)') > USERINFO~ && mv USERINFO~ USERINFO

Please check your name and e-mail address:

phil <address@hidden>

This information will be compiled into DDD.
If it is not correct, please edit USERINFO and re-compile.

/bin/sh ./config-info ./USERINFO USERINFO > configinfo.C~ && \
mv configinfo.C~ configinfo.C
source='configinfo.C' object='configinfo.o' libtool=no \
depfile='.deps/configinfo.Po' tmpdepfile='.deps/configinfo.TPo' \
depmode=gcc3 /bin/sh ../depcomp \
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I. -I./.. -isystem /usr/X11R6/include -DNDEBUG -O2 -g -W -Wall -trigraphs -c -o configi

nfo.o `test -f 'configinfo.C' || echo './'`configinfo.C
/bin/sh ../libtool --mode=link g++ -DNDEBUG -O2 -g -W -Wall -trigraphs -o ddd.exe ddd.o basename.o compare.o cook.o

cwd.o glob.o hash.o home.o isid.o rxclass.o sigName.o strclass.o tabs.o uniquify.o Logger.o MemCheck.o PrintGC.o Signal

B.o TypeInfo.o UniqueId.o IntIntAA.o StatArray.o StringA.o StringMap.o StringSA.o StringSAA.o VoidArray.o WidgetSA.o Age

nt.o AgentM.o AsyncAgent.o ChunkQueue.o DataLength.o HandlerL.o LiterateA.o ReadLineA.o TimeOut.o TTYAgent.o charsets.o converters.o events.o findParent.o findWindow.o fileSBF.o frame.o longName.o selection.o verify.o AutoRaise.o Delay.o De

leteWCB.o DestroyCB.o ExitCB.o InitImage.o Swallower.o XErrorB.o freeXmST.o LabelH.o LessTifH.o MakeMenu.o MString.o Com

boBox.o SpinBox.o TextSetS.o printBox.o AlignBox.o ArcBox.o BinBox.o Box.o BoxD.o BoxExtend.o BoxPoint.o BoxRegion.o Box

Size.o ColorBox.o CompositeB.o DiagBox.o DummyBox.o FixBox.o FontFixBox.o FontTable.o HatBox.o LineBox.o ListBox.o MarkB

ox.o MatchBox.o PrimitiveB.o SlopeBox.o StringBox.o THatBox.o TagBox.o TrueBox.o ArgNode.o BuiltinCN.o CallNode.o ConstN

ode.o DefCallN.o DummyNode.o LetNode.o NameNode.o ListNode.o TestNode.o ThemeVSLL.o TrueNode.o VSEFlags.o VSLArgList.o V

SLBuiltin.o VSLDef.o VSLDefList.o VSLErr.o VSLLib.o VSLNode.o VSLRead.o ArcGraphE.o BoxEdgeA.o BoxGraphN.o EdgeA.o EdgeA

PA.o Graph.o GraphEdge.o GraphEdit.o GraphGC.o GraphNode.o GraphNPA.o HintGraphN.o LineGraphE.o LineGESI.o PannedGE.o Po

sGraphN.o RegionGN.o ScrolledGE.o layout.o annotation.o args.o buttons.o cmdtty.o comm-manag.o complete.o ctrl.o data.o dbx-lookup.o decoration.o deref.o disp-read.o editing.o environ.o examine.o exectty.o exit.o expired.o file.o filetype.o

fonts.o fortranize.o gdbinit.o history.o hostname.o index.o java.o logo.o logplayer.o mainloop.o mydialogs.o options.o plotter.o post.o print.o question.o regexps.o resolveP.o resources.o sashes.o select.o session.o settings.o shell.o shor

ten.o show.o simpleMenu.o source.o status.o string-fun.o tempfile.o tictactoe.o tips.o toolbar.o ungrab.o value-read.o v

sldoc.o windows.o wm.o xconfig.o AliasGE.o ArgField.o BreakPoint.o BreakPM.o CodeCache.o Command.o DataDisp.o DispBox.o DispBuffer.o DispGraph.o DispNode.o DispNodeM.o DispValue.o DispValueA.o DispValueT.o EntryType.o GDBAgent.o HelpCB.o Hi

storyD.o HistoryF.o MinMaxA.o PlotAgent.o PlotArea.o PosBuffer.o ProgressM.o RefreshDI.o SmartC.o SourceView.o StringTPA

.o ThemeM.o ThemeP.o Tool.o UndoBuffer.o UndoBE.o WhatNextCB.o configinfo.o -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXm -lXaw -lXmu -lXt -lX

pm -lXp -lXext -lX11 -lSM -lICE        -lncurses -ly -liberty -lm  -lm
g++ -DNDEBUG -O2 -g -W -Wall -trigraphs -o ddd.exe ddd.o basename.o compare.o cook.o cwd.o glob.o hash.o home.o isid.o r

xclass.o sigName.o strclass.o tabs.o uniquify.o Logger.o MemCheck.o PrintGC.o SignalB.o TypeInfo.o UniqueId.o IntIntAA.o

StatArray.o StringA.o StringMap.o StringSA.o StringSAA.o VoidArray.o WidgetSA.o Agent.o AgentM.o AsyncAgent.o ChunkQueu

e.o DataLength.o HandlerL.o LiterateA.o ReadLineA.o TimeOut.o TTYAgent.o charsets.o converters.o events.o findParent.o f

indWindow.o fileSBF.o frame.o longName.o selection.o verify.o AutoRaise.o Delay.o DeleteWCB.o DestroyCB.o ExitCB.o InitI

mage.o Swallower.o XErrorB.o freeXmST.o LabelH.o LessTifH.o MakeMenu.o MString.o ComboBox.o SpinBox.o TextSetS.o printBo

x.o AlignBox.o ArcBox.o BinBox.o Box.o BoxD.o BoxExtend.o BoxPoint.o BoxRegion.o BoxSize.o ColorBox.o CompositeB.o DiagB

ox.o DummyBox.o FixBox.o FontFixBox.o FontTable.o HatBox.o LineBox.o ListBox.o MarkBox.o MatchBox.o PrimitiveB.o SlopeBo

x.o StringBox.o THatBox.o TagBox.o TrueBox.o ArgNode.o BuiltinCN.o CallNode.o ConstNode.o DefCallN.o DummyNode.o LetNode

.o NameNode.o ListNode.o TestNode.o ThemeVSLL.o TrueNode.o VSEFlags.o VSLArgList.o VSLBuiltin.o VSLDef.o VSLDefList.o VS

LErr.o VSLLib.o VSLNode.o VSLRead.o ArcGraphE.o BoxEdgeA.o BoxGraphN.o EdgeA.o EdgeAPA.o Graph.o GraphEdge.o GraphEdit.o

GraphGC.o GraphNode.o GraphNPA.o HintGraphN.o LineGraphE.o LineGESI.o PannedGE.o PosGraphN.o RegionGN.o ScrolledGE.o la

yout.o annotation.o args.o buttons.o cmdtty.o comm-manag.o complete.o ctrl.o data.o dbx-lookup.o decoration.o deref.o di

sp-read.o editing.o environ.o examine.o exectty.o exit.o expired.o file.o filetype.o fonts.o fortranize.o gdbinit.o hist

ory.o hostname.o index.o java.o logo.o logplayer.o mainloop.o mydialogs.o options.o plotter.o post.o print.o question.o regexps.o resolveP.o resources.o sashes.o select.o session.o settings.o shell.o shorten.o show.o simpleMenu.o source.o s

tatus.o string-fun.o tempfile.o tictactoe.o tips.o toolbar.o ungrab.o value-read.o vsldoc.o windows.o wm.o xconfig.o Ali

asGE.o ArgField.o BreakPoint.o BreakPM.o CodeCache.o Command.o DataDisp.o DispBox.o DispBuffer.o DispGraph.o DispNode.o DispNodeM.o DispValue.o DispValueA.o DispValueT.o EntryType.o GDBAgent.o HelpCB.o HistoryD.o HistoryF.o MinMaxA.o PlotAg

ent.o PlotArea.o PosBuffer.o ProgressM.o RefreshDI.o SmartC.o SourceView.o StringTPA.o ThemeM.o ThemeP.o Tool.o UndoBuff

er.o UndoBE.o WhatNextCB.o configinfo.o -L/usr/X11R6/lib /usr/X11R6/lib/libXm.a -lXaw -lXmu -lXt -lXpm -lXp -lXext -lX1

1 -lSM -lICE -lncurses -ly -liberty
AgentM.o(.text+0x296): In function `GLOBAL(int10_t, long double, char, short, int, double)': /usr/include/c++/3.3.1/iostream:87: undefined reference to `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)'
AgentM.o(.text+0x2b6): In function `_GLOBAL__D_AgentM_rcsid':
/usr/include/c++/3.3.1/iostream:87: undefined reference to `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)'
AsyncAgent.o(.text+0x916): In function `_GLOBAL__I_AsyncAgent_rcsid':
/usr/include/c++/3.3.1/iostream:287: undefined reference to `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)'
AsyncAgent.o(.text+0x936): In function `_GLOBAL__D_AsyncAgent_rcsid':
/usr/include/c++/3.3.1/iostream:287: undefined reference to `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)'
LiterateA.o(.text+0x2546): In function `_GLOBAL__I_LiterateAgent_rcsid':
/usr/include/c++/3.3.1/iostream:269: undefined reference to `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)' LiterateA.o(.text+0x2566):/usr/include/c++/3.3.1/iostream:269: more undefined references to `__static_initialization_and

_destruction_0(int, int)' follow
GraphNPA.o(.ctors+0x0):/cygdrive/d/ddd-3.3.7/ddd/GraphNPA.C: undefined reference to `__GLOBAL__I_GraphNodePointerArray_r

GraphNPA.o(.dtors+0x0):/cygdrive/d/ddd-3.3.7/ddd/GraphNPA.C: undefined reference to `__GLOBAL__D_GraphNodePointerArray_r

HintGraphN.o(.text+0xa6): In function `_GLOBAL__I_HintGraphNode_rcsid':
/usr/include/c++/3.3.1/iostream:453: undefined reference to `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)'
HintGraphN.o(.text+0xc6): In function `_GLOBAL__D_HintGraphNode_rcsid':
/usr/include/c++/3.3.1/iostream:453: undefined reference to `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)' PannedGE.o(.ctors+0x0):PannedGE.C: undefined reference to `__GLOBAL__I_PannedGraphEdit_rcsid' PannedGE.o(.dtors+0x0):PannedGE.C: undefined reference to `__GLOBAL__D_PannedGraphEdit_rcsid'
PosGraphN.o(.text+0x36): In function `_GLOBAL__I_PosGraphNode_rcsid':
/usr/include/c++/3.3.1/iostream:453: undefined reference to `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)'
PosGraphN.o(.text+0x56): In function `_GLOBAL__D_PosGraphNode_rcsid':
/usr/include/c++/3.3.1/iostream:453: undefined reference to `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)'
annotation.o(.ctors+0x0): In function `_Z13strip_leadingR6stringRKS_':
/cygdrive/d/ddd-3.3.7/ddd/annotation.C:45: undefined reference to `__GLOBAL__I_annotation_rcsid' annotation.o(.dtors+0x0):/cygdrive/d/ddd-3.3.7/ddd/annotation.C:45: undefined reference to `__GLOBAL__D_annotation_rcsid

complete.o(.text+0x2b66): In function `GLOBAL(int12_t, long double, char, short, int, double)': /usr/include/c++/3.3.1/iostream:226: undefined reference to `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)'
complete.o(.text+0x2b86): In function `_GLOBAL__D_complete_rcsid':
/usr/include/c++/3.3.1/iostream:226: undefined reference to `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)' deref.o(.text+0x866): In function `GLOBAL(int222_t, long double, char, short, int, double)': /usr/include/c++/3.3.1/iostream:1089: undefined reference to `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)'
deref.o(.text+0x886): In function `_GLOBAL__D_deref_rcsid':
/usr/include/c++/3.3.1/iostream:1089: undefined reference to `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)'
disp-read.o(.text+0x44d6): In function `_GLOBAL__I_disp_read_rcsid':
/usr/include/c++/3.3.1/iostream:1089: undefined reference to `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)' disp-read.o(.text+0x44f6):/usr/include/c++/3.3.1/iostream:1089: more undefined references to `__static_initialization_an

d_destruction_0(int, int)' follow
fortranize.o(.ctors+0x0):fortranize.C: undefined reference to `__GLOBAL__I_fortranize_rcsid' fortranize.o(.dtors+0x0):fortranize.C: undefined reference to `__GLOBAL__D_fortranize_rcsid'
post.o(.ctors+0x0): In function `_Z4YnCBP10_WidgetRecPvS1_':
/cygdrive/d/ddd-3.3.7/ddd/post.C:85: undefined reference to `_GLOBAL(int0_t, long double, char, short, int, double)' post.o(.dtors+0x0):/cygdrive/d/ddd-3.3.7/ddd/post.C:85: undefined reference to `__GLOBAL__D_post_rcsid'
question.o(.ctors+0x0): In function `_Z17gdb_reply_timeoutPvPm':
/cygdrive/d/ddd-3.3.7/ddd/question.C:76: undefined reference to `_GLOBAL(int0_t, long double, char, short, int, double)'

question.o(.dtors+0x0):/cygdrive/d/ddd-3.3.7/ddd/question.C:76: undefined reference to `__GLOBAL__D_question_rcsid'
simpleMenu.o(.ctors+0x0): In function `_Z10same_shellP10_WidgetRecS0_':
/cygdrive/d/ddd-3.3.7/ddd/simpleMenu.C:58: undefined reference to `__GLOBAL__I_simpleMenu_rcsid' simpleMenu.o(.dtors+0x0):/cygdrive/d/ddd-3.3.7/ddd/simpleMenu.C:58: undefined reference to `__GLOBAL__D_simpleMenu_rcsid

status.o(.text+0x29a6): In function `GLOBAL(int0_t, long double, char, short, int, double)': /usr/include/c++/3.3.1/iostream:437: undefined reference to `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)'
status.o(.text+0x29c6): In function `_GLOBAL__D_status_rcsid':
/usr/include/c++/3.3.1/iostream:437: undefined reference to `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)'
tictactoe.o(.ctors+0x0): In function `_Z7moveRowi':
/cygdrive/d/ddd-3.3.7/ddd/tictactoe.C:84: undefined reference to `_GLOBAL(int0_t, long double, char, short, int, double)

tictactoe.o(.dtors+0x0):/cygdrive/d/ddd-3.3.7/ddd/tictactoe.C:84: undefined reference to `__GLOBAL__D_tictactoe_rcsid'
ungrab.o(.ctors+0x0): In function `_Z21mouse_pointer_grabbedv':
/cygdrive/d/ddd-3.3.7/ddd/ungrab.C:77: undefined reference to `_GLOBAL(int0_t, long double, char, short, int, double)' ungrab.o(.dtors+0x0):/cygdrive/d/ddd-3.3.7/ddd/ungrab.C:77: undefined reference to `__GLOBAL__D_ungrab_rcsid'
value-read.o(.text+0x6566): In function `_GLOBAL__I_value_read_rcsid':
/usr/include/c++/3.3.1/iostream:1089: undefined reference to `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)'
value-read.o(.text+0x6586): In function `_GLOBAL__D_value_read_rcsid':
/usr/include/c++/3.3.1/iostream:1089: undefined reference to `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)'
wm.o(.ctors+0x0): In function `_Z11wm_set_iconP9_XDisplaymmm':
/cygdrive/d/ddd-3.3.7/ddd/wm.C:57: undefined reference to `_GLOBAL(int0_t, long double, char, short, int, double)' wm.o(.dtors+0x0):/cygdrive/d/ddd-3.3.7/ddd/wm.C:57: undefined reference to `__GLOBAL__D_wm_rcsid'
DispBuffer.o(.text+0x736): In function `_GLOBAL__I_DispBuffer_rcsid':
/usr/include/c++/3.3.1/iostream:82: undefined reference to `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)'
DispBuffer.o(.text+0x756): In function `_GLOBAL__D_DispBuffer_rcsid':
/usr/include/c++/3.3.1/iostream:82: undefined reference to `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)' DispNodeM.o(.ctors+0x0):/cygdrive/d/ddd-3.3.7/ddd/DispNodeM.C: undefined reference to `__GLOBAL__I_DispNodeMap_rcsid' DispNodeM.o(.dtors+0x0):/cygdrive/d/ddd-3.3.7/ddd/DispNodeM.C: undefined reference to `__GLOBAL__D_DispNodeMap_rcsid' HistoryD.o(.ctors+0x0):HistoryD.C: undefined reference to `__GLOBAL__I_HistoryDialog_rcsid' HistoryD.o(.dtors+0x0):HistoryD.C: undefined reference to `__GLOBAL__D_HistoryDialog_rcsid'
ProgressM.o(.text+0x4a26): In function `_GLOBAL__I_ProgressMeter_rcsid':
/usr/include/c++/3.3.1/iostream:94: undefined reference to `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)'
ProgressM.o(.text+0x4a46): In function `_GLOBAL__D_ProgressMeter_rcsid':
/usr/include/c++/3.3.1/iostream:94: undefined reference to `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [ddd.exe] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/d/ddd-3.3.7/ddd'
make: *** [check-recursive] Error 1

address@hidden /cygdrive/d/ddd-3.3.7

Hi Phil,

Thanks for your detailed message.  I wish all problem reports
had this much data in them.

The high CPU usage during compilation is 100% normal.  For an
operation that takes a long time, you *want* the CPU to work
as hard as possible on it.

The warnings during compilation can safely be ignored;
in the soon-to-be-released 3.3.8, most of them have been fixed.
If anyone has any fixes for the others, patches are always welcome...

The real problem comes at link-time, where you are experiencing
missing symbols.  Most of them appear to be of the form
__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int).  This
is code which g++ adds at link time (I think) to ensure that
global arrays of objects are constructed correctly before
main(), and the corresponding destructors called in the correct
order after exit().  So I think that either your g++ isn't
calling the linker properly, or that the wrong options are
being passed by the makefile.

Can you try this:

1. g++ --version

2. make LDFLAGS=/usr/lib (or wherever your libstdc++ is installed)

Please send me the output in both cases.

To all cygwin users: I don't have cygwin, so I can't try this myself.
But since there seem to be so many ddd users on the cygwin platform,
I'll spend some time on this kind of stuff for 3.3.9 (3.3.8 is just
around the corner).


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