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Re: [Demexp-dev] Re: Modified wdialog-client.

From: David MENTRE
Subject: Re: [Demexp-dev] Re: Modified wdialog-client.
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2006 10:48:16 +0200


[ Could you keep demexp-dev@ in Cc:? ]

2006/10/5, ketty . <address@hidden>:
I will make things configure if you just wait a bit :)

Sure! :-)

I am still playing around with things quite a bit, so i recommend you to
wait with integrating to much of it. As far as i could see the web client
did not use any configuration mechanism (only hardcoded values).

Yes: do what I say, not what I'm doing. ;-)

I will look at Config_file.


I am still playing around with things quite a bit, so i recommend you to wait 
with integrating to much of it. As far as i could see the web client did not 
use any configuration mechanism (only hardcoded values). I will look at 

Can't you
> use regular mechanism like printk to avoid that?

With printk do you mean Printf.ksprintf?

Yes. I should have checked.

The whole Printf module is a big playing around with Obj.magic =)

Yes but this is done by OCaml core developers. Obj.magic is known to
be a can of worms.

If you don't like Obj.magic you could use a syntax extention instead in this
case. But don't know if i would call that less risky.

I don't like much syntax extension neither. :-/

> PS: What is you real name (for credits) or do you prefer that I use ketty?

ketty is fine ^^


Thank you for the patches,
Best wishes,

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