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[Denemo-devel] customizing layout templates

From: Federico Bruni
Subject: [Denemo-devel] customizing layout templates
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2013 19:56:27 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130107 Thunderbird/17.0.2

Hi there

I'm playing with the Score Layout.
AFAICS editing it in "graphical mode" is not that easy. For example, I don't know how to add a Staff. So I'm using the Lilypond text mode, which works great. But I have a few questions.

0) Where can I save my own templates?
Currently I have this:

ls ~/.denemo-1.0.0~rc8/
actions  autosave.denemo  denemohistory  denemorc  state.ini

1) When creating a template, the settings should be in custom layout or in default score layout? Actually, it seems that I cannot edit the default layout. When I do, a custom layout is automatically created. I've looked some template file included in denemo and I've seen that they have just the default layout.

I wonder if this is going to be a problem (see next point)

2) (maybe related to the previous point) Try the attached template. When you start entering notes, in the print window you'll see just the Staff. You have to click on Typeset in the print window and only then the TabStaff will appear.

3) Finally, there's any recommendation for contributing templates?
I'll work on a Staff+TabStaff template in the coming weeks (I need some time to test it and see how things work in Denemo).

Thanks in advance

Attachment: Tablature.denemo
Description: Text Data

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