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Re: [Denemo-devel] Setting X-offset and Y-offset graphically.

From: Richard Shann
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] Setting X-offset and Y-offset graphically.
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2013 15:18:05 +0100

On Sun, 2013-04-21 at 22:11 +0200, Janek Warchoł wrote:
> That's unfortunate.  I think the intent of the code displaying
> control-points was that they shouldn't influence spacing at all.  If
> you have a tiny example, i suggest you to post it as a separate
> question to the list.  Some experienced coders may be able to help
> you. 
Actually I came across a rather startling example by accident. This is
of the red-dot marking upsetting the layout, the curve control points
not being involved:
 If you have a piano staff and invoke the red dots the typesetting
becomes quite wrong, with the brace only covering the top staff. This is
with the instrument name set. The code is below FWIW (since it involves
a denemo copy of the red-dot generating code this falls short of what
would be needed to generate the bug, but if you have the red-dot marking
code try it on a piano staff)


%% LilyPond file generated by Denemo version 1.0.1


\version "2.16"

AutoBarline = {}
AutoEndMovementBarline = \bar "|."
\include "/home/rshann/local/share/denemo/actions/lilypond/"

% The music follows

MvmntIVoiceI = {
         s1*4/4 }

MvmntIVoiceII = {
         s1*4/4 }

%Default Score Layout

\header {
tagline = \markup {"" on \simple #(strftime "%x" (localtime
title =  \markup { \with-url #'"scheme:(d-ScoreTitle)"  "Click Title"}

\layout {indent = 15.4}
\layout {
    \context {
      \printRefpoint ##f #'all-grobs
  \layout {
                                         \override Slur #'stencil = 
#(display-control-points #t)
                                         \override Tie #'stencil = 
#(display-control-points #t)
                                        \override PhrasingSlur #'stencil = 
  \paper {

print-all-headers = ##t

page-limit-inter-system-space = ##t
page-limit-inter-system-space-factor = 1.2
#(set-default-paper-size "a4")
#(set-global-staff-size 22)

\score { %Start of Movement
 \new PianoStaff << \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = #"Piano"  

%Start of Staff
\new Staff = "RH"  << 
 \new Voice = "VoiceIMvmntI"  { 
  \clef treble 
{ \key c \major}
{ \time 4/4 }
 \MvmntIVoiceI                } %End of voice

%End of Staff

%Start of Staff
\new Staff = "LH"  << 
 \new Voice = "VoiceIIMvmntI"  { 
  \clef bass 
{ \key c \major}
{ \time 4/4 }
 \MvmntIVoiceII                } %End of voice

%End of Staff


\header {
title = ""

} %End of Movement

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