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Re: [Dfey-general-discuss] Fwd: [safetynet] Coverage on BBC online - es

From: Paul Sutton
Subject: Re: [Dfey-general-discuss] Fwd: [safetynet] Coverage on BBC online - esafety
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 14:45:46 +0000
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Ben Webb wrote:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unIo2QVfO0w#t=0m30s
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmqNg-7QrDk#t=0m10s
> It really is pedobear...
> They seem to want you to register to get the actual cartoon -
> http://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/teachers/resources.aspx?tabID=1

Yeah,  you have to agree to all sorts of restrictions on freedom,  if
they really wanted to get the message across why not simply have it as a
download,  and with a license that allows it to be shared,  that way we
can send to friends, etc.  As be in tune with the end users.


you have to give personal details (something they advise against)
the hero looks more grown up like an adult so what happened to something
like a character that looks like a young person.  Esp as kids are not
meant to talk to strangers (mainly adults).  if an adult is to appear
they need to be dressed as a police officer, teacher or someone the kids
know they can trust.

> On a serious side, from a brief glance, it does genuinely seem to be
> about teaching kids to appreciate the dangers that are out there
> themselves, and for them to learn how to respond, rather than
> "mollycoddling" them, which is positive. However, those videos with an
> "internet superhero" still freak me out a little.
I agree, however its a little bit like the old adverts from the 80's to
teach road safety,  the kids were about to cross the road, and were in
danger and superted (cartoon character from the time, may be superted
episodes on you tube) zooms down to rescue them.

These were shown during on itv between kids tv shows.

I think perhaps they should use characters that children can relate to,
or that exist in other tv shows (like above),  someone they look up to,
they could even make an animated dr who episode where kids are chatting
online and it turns out to be one of the dr who enemies they are talking
to, who is trying to find a way to open a portal to earth (make it
plausable for dr who),  its only when the doctor steps in and tells
them. (lets put these story lines in to shows) so its not just about the
fact you could be talking to a paedophile you just don't know what their
intentions are, e.g id fraud etc too much emphasis on one single danger
could be a bad thing.

That way the message can get through but in a way they can relate to.

perhaps write internet safety into children's tv shows,

Of course as linux users we could have an episode where a young person
is stressed out due to having a windows virus, and an impending
assignment due in,  and tux arrives with a linux cd' boots that recovers
work and he / she gets in in on time,  with the tag line always use a
reliable operating system,

however i think a certain comapany in redmond may not like that.


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