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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] The ultimate SDR (Ethernet v. gigabit)

From: John Gilmore
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] The ultimate SDR (Ethernet v. gigabit)
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 20:55:38 -0700

Re Ethernet interfaces:  I suggest that the first version be built
with 100mbit FDX Ethernet, and that the follow-on design upgrade
to gigabit FDX Ethernet.  This will be a pretty straightforward
drop-in replacement at 10x the data rate, with the same software
interface, same packet formats, etc.

You could do the design for gigabit today.  PCI cards for it are down
to hundreds of dollars.  They can't do the full thruput because it's
faster than the PCI bus can handle, but they're much faster than
100mbit.  I suspect that the catch is that you'll be able to find lots
of cheap and available IP cores and/or chips for 100mbit, but few for
gigabit today.


PS: I also think you should only put in the work to design hardware
for SDR's if you think it's fun.  Trying to sell niche computer
hardware is a great way to do lots of work and lose money.  Trying to
design mass market computer hardware is a great way to do lots of work
and lose even more money, unless you know how to market and sell mass
market computer hardware.

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