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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] resampler block (DRM ok!)

From: Stephane Fillod
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] resampler block (DRM ok!)
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2005 23:44:27 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.10i

On Tue, Oct 04, 2005 at 04:58:01PM -0700, Eric Blossom wrote:
> The _fff case mostly works.  Look for FIXME's in
> qa_rational_rasampler.py.  However, the automatic filter design
> feature is not written.  Without that, you'll need to design the
> appropriate filter.  Someone needs to finish sorting out the
> filter. For some reason it's failing in the 10,000 element test case.
> There is currently qa code for the _fff case.  When it works for all
> cases, the _ccc qa code should be written too.

Thanks Matt, Eric and Bob for the reply. I took a snippet from ayfabtu.py,
and wrote something like this:

        adc_rate = 64e6
        usrp_decim = 125
        if_rate = adc_rate / usrp_decim        # 512 kS/s
        if_decim = 8
        demod_rate = if_rate / if_decim        #  64 kS/s

        # usrp is data source
        src = usrp.source_c (0, usrp_decim)
        src.set_rx_freq (0, IF_freq)
        actual_IF_freq = src.rx_freq(0)
        actual_offset = actual_IF_freq + station

        channel_coeffs = \
                     gr.firdes.low_pass (1.0,           # gain
                                         if_rate,   # sampling rate
                                         64e3,         # low pass cutoff freq
                                         72e3,         # width of trans. band

        ddc =  gr.freq_xlating_fir_filter_ccf 

        volumecontrol = gr.multiply_const_cc(.0031)

        print len(channel_coeffs)

        ifrtaps = gr.firdes.low_pass(1,
                                     2,       # Fs
                                     .75/3,   # freq1
                                     .25/3,   # trans width

        print "len(ifrtaps) =", len(ifrtaps)
        jack_resampler = blks.rational_resampler_ccf(self, 3, 4, ifrtaps)

        # split IQ because JACK audio is only mono
        split_IQ = gr.complex_to_float ()

        # JACK audio as final sink
        jack_rate = 48e3
        demod_sink_i = audio_jack.sink (int (jack_rate), "gr_sink_I")
        demod_sink_q = audio_jack.sink (int (jack_rate), "gr_sink_Q")
        # now wire it all together
        self.connect (src, ddc)
        self.connect (ddc, volumecontrol)
        self.connect (volumecontrol, jack_resampler)
        self.connect (jack_resampler, split_IQ)
        self.connect ((split_IQ, 0), demod_sink_i)
        self.connect ((split_IQ, 1), demod_sink_q)

After some hacking, and a yet-to-release patch against Dream DRM
receiver (jack I/O sound), I was able to receive a local DRM station:

Rem: Dream DRM receiver has some interesting frequency and samplerate
history tracking..

Here was the chain:

Wire antenna in attic -> automatic tuner (AH4) tuned to 12m   --+
                                                         tuned to 25.775
                                                         decim to 512kS/s
                                                             64 kS/s
                                                             48 kS/s
                                                         Dream DRM rx (I/Q)
                                   headphones <- soundcard <- jackd

Altough it worked, I still don't understand why the value passed to
multiply_const_cc (.0031) is so low. Would someone be kind to explain
me how to choose it? What are the pro/con of using a _ccf vs. _ccc
(float vs. complex) filter?
And honestly, the parameters of the gr.firdes.low_pass ifrtaps coeffs
are pure magic to me. Maybe I should read more books on signal
processing :-)

Rem: replacing the antenna with a wire couple of meters long in the
shack made the SNR drop to 21dB. I guess this can be explained by the
lack of band filtering of a barefoot BasicRX?

> > In the case of the 512kS/s to 48kS/s ddc, would the gr_rational_resampler
> > be able to replace gr_freq_xlating_fir_filter ?

Ok no.

IOW, the gr_rational_resampler does not do frequency translation,
and the USRP cannot decimate above 256. I used a decim rate
below 128 because I heard there's gain problems above.
So it looks like freq_xlating_fir_filter_ccf must be used.
This is still ok, the whole ddc python script takes less than 
9% on a 1GHz AMD CPU. Still, I wished it would be less, because 
I hope to eventually have several of them running in parallel,
plus a point and click waterfall, and some demodulating clients

Patchs available on demand, comments welcome!


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