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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] missing python package - SOLVED

From: Michael Dickens
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] missing python package - SOLVED
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 15:58:16 -0500

Ed - Sorry to hear about your troubles with MacPorts; glad to hear that you got them working, one way or the other.

On Dec 20, 2007, at 1:57 PM, Ed Criscuolo wrote:
What I found was that, for some unknown reason, some of the
packages that got recompiled as a result of doing
"sudo port upgrade py-gtk2"  ended up in
/opt/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/ instead of in
/opt/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/!  This included
cairo, gtk2.0, and pygtk.

In addition, executing "pythonw -V" now invoked pythonw2.3
instead of pythonw2.4.  On the other hand, "python -V" invoked
python2.4 as it should.

For the time being, I got things to work by copying the packages
to python2.4/site-packages,  and linking /usr/bin/pythonw to
/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.4/bin/ pythonw2.4

I think the issue was a change to python24 on August 21 (2007): removed the non-versioned binaries called "python" and "pythonw". IIRC, I went in and make symlinks to them in /opt/local/bin, which did the trick. The reason why some py-XXX modules were being installed in the 2.3 directory and some in 2.4 is that some modules invoke (incorrectly) "python setup.py" - which would result in a 2.3 directory since "python" would be the Apple-provided one -, while others (correctly) "/opt/local/bin/pythonX.Y setup.py" - which would result in the 2.4 (or whatever version of Python is installed by MacPorts in that directory). I know that the MacPorts folks are transitioning to the explicit calling method, but I'm sure that there are ports out there that do not yet use it.

The -best- solution would be to remove those site-packages that you copied from 2.3 to 2.4, then, with the "python -V" returning "2.4" correctly, have MacPorts uninstall those packages, then reinstall them. They should appear in the 2.4 site-packages area.

Unfortunately, the problem I was trying
to fix with the upgrade is still there.  About 20% of the time,
a flowgraph being run under GRC does not exit cleanly, and crashes
GRC with a GTK error:

/Users/edwardc/Work/gnu_radio/grc_0.69/src/ActionHandler.py:67: GtkWarning: Invalid text buffer iterator: either the iterator is uninitialized, or the characters/pixbufs/widgets in the buffer have been modified since the iterator was created. You must use marks, character numbers, or line numbers to preserve a position across buffer modifications. You can apply tags and insert marks without invalidating your iterators, but any mutation that affects 'indexable' buffer contents (contents that can be referred to by character offset)
will invalidate all outstanding iterators
Bus error

THis might be caused by the copying of 2.3 site-packages to 2.4, but who knows. Try reinstalling those packages correctly, then re-run GRC to see if it works better. If not, then it's best that Josh look into this. - MLD

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