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[Discuss-gnuradio] gr-sounder tx and rx results

From: Dev Ramudit
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] gr-sounder tx and rx results
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 16:56:11 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20070828)

Hello all,

I've been trying out the gr-sounder code to see if I can use it for some research. I modified it slightly and graphed the output in realtime. At the portion of the code where it would write the incoming complex numbers to file, I have:

rec = msg.to_string()[:length*gr.sizeof_gr_complex]
tmparray = []
# decomposes string into strings of length 8
for cn in [rec[x:x+8] for (x,y) in enumerate(rec) if x%8 == 0 ]:
    r,i = struct.unpack('ff', cn)
maxvalue = max(tmparray)
highestpoint = [x for x,y in enumerate(tmparray) if y == maxvalue][0]
tmparray = tmparray[highestpoint-1:] + tmparray[:highestpoint-1]
rcontrol.plot(tmparray, ylab='', type='l', )

The above code uses the rpy library to plot the data. The results I received are as follows:

Is something wrong with my setup or code? I'm not even sure if the gr-sounder isn't ready to be used through the USRPs, if so are the results consistent with my own?


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