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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Finally compiled USRP2 code works fine with UDPim

From: Euripedes Rocha Filho
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Finally compiled USRP2 code works fine with UDPimage ...but not with compiled Raw Ethernet Image
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2011 20:41:47 -0200

Just to place some previous experience I have, if you have diferent configuration parameters, the hardware, possibly, will not work!!! Same code without change nothing, and will not work. This is not a USRP issue, FPGA projects can go wrong with diferent parameters for synthesis.

2011/1/12 Matt Ettus <address@hidden>
On 01/12/2011 12:31 PM, Gabriel Morel wrote:
Ok, I will compile the raw ethernet project for the USRP2 to be sure
that I can modify it and use the modified version to my master. I was
try to compile the project fpga.git under ISE10.1 and under ISE12.1. The
two method compile well, give two different size of binary file, but
both don't work in the USRP2.

OK, so you chose the raw ethernet version.  In reality, that is a bad choice since all future development is on the other version.  But fine, that is what you chose.  So now, stop using ISE 12, since I have told you that ISE 12 will not work with the raw ethernet version.

I compared the size of my two binary file with the binary file on the
net, and the raw ethernet file on the net is the same size than my
binary file maked under ISE12.1. This is why I ask for anybody to make
same procedure than me to compare the data. I have to find the way to
compile a good file of the raw ethernet version.

File size is meaningless.  Use "diff" or "md5sum" to tell  if files are the same or different.

 But after some test, I can affirm that the problem is not the card, not
the version of ISE and not the radio that I use. The problem can be the
project under the repo git://ettus.sourcerepo.com/ettus/fpga.git, or
maybe it's not the good repo. And it's not only for me, I think it's a
major bug and it needs to be repair.

There is no bug.  I just built it myself and it works just fine.  The bin file should have an md5sum that starts with 3d4a.

If you don't trust me, try it. Use Xilinx on Windows, create a project
and put in all file of all different makefile in the repo for USRP2 with
u2_rev3.v in top. Implement top module and create the bin file. After,
give me some news plz. It's not loosing time, nobody had answer to my
question and somebody have same problem than me. Thx a lot.

Well, that is where you are going wrong.  Don't create a project file. Use the makefile as is.  It works fine.  The Xilinx tools are very picky and we have everything set up just right.  We also use them under linux which works much better.


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