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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Cannot compile Volk

From: Pol Henarejos
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Cannot compile Volk
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2012 09:20:07 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:13.0) Gecko/20120614 Thunderbird/13.0.1

Dear Josh,

Your patch works for me. Now I am compiling next branch. Hope you could
commit to git.

Thanks for your effort.


Pol Henarejos
Research Engineer, MSc

Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)
Engineering Unit
Parc Mediterrani de la Tecnologia
Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 7
08860 Castelldefels, Barcelona (Spain)
Tel: +34 93 396 71 70  Ext: 2177
Fax. +34 93 645 29 01

Alright, i have kind of a fix. Here is the diff:

Basically, it looks like you cant MMX on win64. So I added mmx as an
optional parameter to the 3 machine definitions that get used on
windows. When on MSVC 64bit, the mmx arch will get overruled.

On the kernel side, I added LV_HAVE_MMX to the dot prod kernel. Since
this kernel requires MMX, in this case the build system will prevent its
building when MMX is not available (aka mmx is overruled):


On 07/16/2012 10:42 AM, Josh Blum wrote:
> The problem is that volk_16i_32fc_dot_prod_32fc_a_sse is using MMX
> instructions which it seems that you cant do in 64 bit windows
> These should probably be replaced with SSE equivalent functions
> m0 = _mm_set_pi16(*(aPtr+3), *(aPtr+2), *(aPtr+1), *(aPtr+0));
> m1 = _mm_set_pi16(*(aPtr+7), *(aPtr+6), *(aPtr+5), *(aPtr+4));
> -josh
> On 07/16/2012 10:30 AM, Josh Blum wrote:
>> On 07/16/2012 06:45 AM, Pol Henarejos wrote:
>>> Dear list,
>>> I am trying to compile gnuradio using MSVC2010 but I cannot compile
>>> Volk. I tried with next and master branches but no luck. Nevertheless,
>>> if I use maint branch it works correctly. I am compiling the code for
>>> x64 target. Please find the output of compiler. It is in spanish but it
>>> means "unresolved external symbol xxx".
>> Hmm... looks like a win64 problem. this post seem to have the same
>> issue: http://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/showthread.php?t=62824
>> It seems to suggest there is a matter of including headers in the
>> correct order. I will get back to this thread if I figure it out!
>> -josh
>>> Thanks for your help.
>>> 2>volk_machine_sse2.obj : error LNK2019: símbolo externo _m_punpcklwd
>>> sin resolver al que se hace referencia en la función _mm_cvtpi16_ps
>>> 2>volk_machine_avx.obj : error LNK2001: símbolo externo _m_punpcklwd sin
>>> resolver
>>> 2>volk_machine_sse2.obj : error LNK2019: símbolo externo _mm_cvt_pi2ps
>>> sin resolver al que se hace referencia en la función _mm_cvtpi16_ps
>>> 2>volk_machine_avx.obj : error LNK2001: símbolo externo _mm_cvt_pi2ps
>>> sin resolver
>>> 2>volk_machine_sse2.obj : error LNK2019: símbolo externo _m_punpckhwd
>>> sin resolver al que se hace referencia en la función _mm_cvtpi16_ps
>>> 2>volk_machine_avx.obj : error LNK2001: símbolo externo _m_punpckhwd sin
>>> resolver
>>> 2>volk_machine_sse2.obj : error LNK2019: símbolo externo _m_pcmpgtw sin
>>> resolver al que se hace referencia en la función _mm_cvtpi16_ps
>>> 2>volk_machine_avx.obj : error LNK2001: símbolo externo _m_pcmpgtw sin
>>> resolver
>>> 2>volk_machine_sse2.obj : error LNK2019: símbolo externo
>>> _mm_setzero_si64 sin resolver al que se hace referencia en la función
>>> _mm_cvtpi16_ps
>>> 2>volk_machine_avx.obj : error LNK2001: símbolo externo _mm_setzero_si64
>>> sin resolver
>>> 2>volk_machine_sse2.obj : error LNK2019: símbolo externo _mm_set_pi16
>>> sin resolver al que se hace referencia en la función "void __cdecl
>>> volk_16i_32fc_dot_prod_32fc_a_sse(class std::complex<float> *,short
>>> const *,class std::complex<float> const *,unsigned int)"
>>> 2>volk_machine_avx.obj : error LNK2001: símbolo externo _mm_set_pi16 sin
>>> resolver

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