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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Installation issues with gnuradio on Ubuntu 12.04

From: Ron Economos
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Installation issues with gnuradio on Ubuntu 12.04
Date: Fri, 23 May 2014 08:28:44 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20120306 Thunderbird/3.1.20

You can have custom install locations by telling the
build-gnuradio script to not do the build. For example:

./build-gnuradio -m prereqs gitfetch

This will perform the resolving of prerequisites, get
the source code and use the HEAD of the master
branch (which has the very latest commits to GnuRadio).

Then you can do the build in a separate step.
Chose an install directory that makes sense
for you. /opt works well since it has the correct

cd gnuradio
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/gnuradio ..
sudo make install

This will build GnuRadio and install it in /opt/gnuradio

The down side is that you'll have to build all the other
modules that you need (UHD, gr-osmosdr, gr-iqbal, etc.)
one by one. Make sure you use the same install
directory with cmake.

It should be noted that once you have all the prerequisites
on your machine, you don't have to run build-gnuradio
again. Assuming you haven't changed any of the
prerequisites, you can just git clone GnuRadio and
build it like above.


On 5/23/2014 7:30 AM, Robert Light wrote:
Ubuntu had a bug that libboost1.48 depends on 1.46 . It was officially 
highlited, but I don't know whether it was solved.
I see this error very often when I install Gnuradio from sources. I then 
usually install 1.46 and 1.48 and it works. Although it creates some mess.
A simpler solution is just use build-gnuradio script

Magically it installs everything and it doesn't complain about anything.
I like to have UHD and gnuradio in custom locations because I keep several 
versions of gnuradio, UHD and libusrp, but I don't know how to do it with this 
If you don't care about the locations just use the script.

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