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[Discuss-gnuradio] gr-specest dependencies

From: Robert McGwier
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] gr-specest dependencies
Date: Fri, 23 May 2014 11:41:26 -0400

There are several dependencies for gr-specest not included in the recipe for pybombs and some not listed in the gr-specest list of dependencies but implied by the text.  The recipe for gr-specest in pybombs doesn't include liblapack-dev, libblas-dev, and libarmadillo-dev.

These include the list form the readme

Howto build:
In order to sucessfully build the gr-specest modules you will need:
* cmake > 2.8
* swig
* libgnuradio-core
* libuhd
* gfortran (others might work as well, not tested)
* liblapack-dev
* libblas-dev

but it will not compile, giving you an error about not finding BLAS and then you fix it by including armadillo which the readme wishes was deprecated, but most certainly is not.


libarmadillo-dev on Ubuntu.

Now, to construct some use cases that others can use like a guide post to what should be one of the most important gnuradio add-ons and wish I hope will help others use it.

I will post stuff to my blog when it is ready.


Bob McGwier
Co-Owner and Technical Director, Federated Wireless, LLC
Professor Virginia Tech
Senior Member IEEE, Facebook: N4HYBob, ARS: N4HY
Faculty Advisor Virginia Tech Amateur Radio Assn. (K4KDJ)

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