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What's wrong with this NSBezierPath/NSGlyph code??

From: jonathon
Subject: What's wrong with this NSBezierPath/NSGlyph code??
Date: 8 Jun 2003 11:20:18 -0700

Can someone tell me what is wrong here?

This method is part of a class derived from NSView, and is called from

Everything else I am drawing works: lines, regular text, etc.  But I
cannot get a glyph to show up after being appended to an

It draws a tiny line segment as a test, then draws a rectangle around
where the glyph would go.  The rectangle comes out different sizes,
depending on the font size I select.  But no glyph appears inside!!


- (void) drawYLabels
  NSString *label = @"Y axis";
  NSFont *f = [NSFont userFontOfSize: 64];

  NSTextStorage *ts;
  ts = [[NSTextStorage alloc] initWithString: label];

  NSLayoutManager *lm = [[NSLayoutManager alloc] init];
  [ts addLayoutManager: lm];

  NSRange r;
  r.location = 0;
  r.length = [label length];

  NSGlyph g[r.length];
  unsigned l = [lm getGlyphs: g range: r];

  [[NSColor greenColor] set];

  // draw rectangle for first glyph
  NSRect grect = [f boundingRectForGlyph: g[0]];
  grect.origin.x = 100;
  grect.origin.y = 100;
  [[NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRect: grect] stroke];

  // test line draw
  NSBezierPath *bp = [NSBezierPath bezierPath];
  [bp moveToPoint: NSMakePoint(80, 80)];
  [bp lineToPoint: NSMakePoint(90, 90)];
  [bp moveToPoint: NSMakePoint(100, 100)];
  [bp appendBezierPathWithGlyphs: g count: l inFont: f];
  [bp fill];

  NSLog(@"path: %@\n", [bp description]);
  NSLog(@"# chars: %d glyphs: %c\n", l, g[0]);
  NSLog(@"font: %@\n", [f description]);

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