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Re: GNUstep roadmap (was Re: [Suggestion] GNUstep-test for quality contr

From: Jason Clouse
Subject: Re: GNUstep roadmap (was Re: [Suggestion] GNUstep-test for quality control)
Date: Sat, 01 Nov 2003 05:03:33 -0500

On 2003-10-26 10:38:40 +0100 Philip Mötteli <Philip.Moetteli@tele2.ch> wrote:
>> Drawers, Toolbars, Sheets?
>> Rendezvous?
> If there's demand for it, I think, we soon gonna see a version for Linux. 

There's demand for it.  I talked to the guys who wrote Hydra (now SubEthaEdit) 
and at first he was fascinated that he could just compile Objective-C code and 
have it run under Linux.  But then he found out that it didn't have Rendezvous 
or Drawers, and he just said "forget it."  People coming from the OS X world 
design their stuff with that in mind, then they find out GNUstep doesn't have 
it and they're not interested anymore.

> Wasn't that open-source?

Not the Obj-C framework, I don't think.  Just a UNIX implementation.  That 
probably sawed the Hydra guy off more than the Drawers stuff even.

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