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X11 shared memory and back-art on MacOS X

From: Björn Giesler
Subject: X11 shared memory and back-art on MacOS X
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 18:53:24 +0100


first of all, lots of thanks to Uli for the installation description. It's a great pity that GNUstep installation on OSX is as difficult as it is, and Uli helped a lot by pointing out that only gcc 3.3.5 works.

Now, I have everything up and running using the art backend, and run into the following problem: Running GS apps results in

        - black windows, white menus and
        - lots of BadImplementation, BadAccess, BadPixmap and BadShmSeg errors.

This can be fixed by putting XWindowBufferUseXShm = NO into NSGlobalDomain. The result is that it works (screenshot at http://giesler.biz/pix/sw_addr_gs-osx.tiff), but is very very slow.

xdpyinfo lists:

number of extensions:    28

so the extension is there. Where does this stuff come from? Is there a known workaround?

Thanks in advance,
Dipl.-Inform. Björn Giesler <giesler@ira.uka.de>
Web: http://wwwiaim.ira.uka.de/~giesler
Tel: +49-721-608-8308 Fax: +49-721-608-8270
Augmented Reality, 3D User Interfaces, Machine Vision, Robotics

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