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Re: solaris consideration and horror stories

From: Riccardo
Subject: Re: solaris consideration and horror stories
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2005 14:34:31 +0100


On Monday, January 10, 2005, at 01:19 PM, Nicola Pero wrote:
Apart from an immense number for warning and the fact that -base build
is proken for concurrent (make -j 2) building again... everything seems

'make -j 2' is generally not expected to work.

Why not? I would expect it to work and it works with most applications. YOu have SMP you want to use it :) For gnustep it is something that breaks sometimes and works sometimes.

Most Gentoo users will have -j 2 set as their default options, since the system suggests that. Now policies about which number to use are source of discussion, but setting it to the number of CPU's you have is a safe bet.


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