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Re: [Cocoa-sharp] trying to build cocoa#

From: Lloyd Dupont
Subject: Re: [Cocoa-sharp] trying to build cocoa#
Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 14:57:03 +1000

Here is the very basic version of my ObjectiveC/GNUstep-.NET binding (all 'hand generated' so far), at least it's working! (and tested with GNUstep GNUstep-base-1.10.1-gui-0.9.4.exe and VC# express beta 2. it work on the command line but, somehow, when I use the VC# express debuger it fails to load the interop DLL for some reason, maybe it's messing up with GNUstep's dependency on MSVCR70.dll?

there was a few problem, like the missing objc_msgSend() (and no, an arglist_t is NOT equivalent to a va_list). and in messaging, I had to pass additional parameters to the MethodBuilder (strangely enough).

I'm going for the header parser now.

To compile:
make (with GNUstep's dev environment) in ObjcGlu (some runtime helper function) and ProjObjc (a test ObjC library)
then launch the VC# project in TestApp/TestApp.sln => build
Modify the Runtime.cs file at line:77 & 78 to set up correct path for GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_ROOT & PATH to the native libraries (the ../../../Libraries directory)

For some reson using ConfigurationManager make the program crash. And for some other reason VC# debuger crash, it's why I have to use the command line, sorry :(

Once everything is compiled you could run from the command line....
Later I think I will embed/wrap objcsharp.dll in a managed assembly as a resource, would be much nicer, wouldn't it?

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