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Re: Missing interface that connects NSCoder to NSStream ?

From: Helge Hess
Subject: Re: Missing interface that connects NSCoder to NSStream ?
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 20:41:27 +0100

On Mar 14, 2007, at 20:16, Vaisburd, Haim wrote:
What I miss in both techniques though is the I/O buffering that gives
getc(), ungetc() or peekc() and putc() interface.

If you really want to have a full fledged streams library, give NGStreams a try. It supports all your requirements, it has the lookahead stream, supports non-blocking IO, character streams, buffering, sockets, files, etc etc.

And if you use a packet based protocol like HTTP beneath JSON you don't need any peekc, because you have random access inside the packet anyways. Thats BTW the way JSON is used 99.9999% of the time, namely on top of XHR.

Finally I also found the JSON-RPC 1.1 specification:


which does the obvious thing, it specifies that *HTTP* is to be used as a transport. No word of "JSON-RPC over stream connections" anymore.

I also strongly agree with Helge's earlier comments that XML RPC is
the obvious solution
Too bad, I do not understand why. But I want to.

We don't need another thread for that since its indeed obvious. We are busy discussing low level IO details for hours while you already have fully functional XML-RPC libraries which do all the work for you.

Eg instead of fiddling with writing own protocol implementations, just do something like:

GSXMLRPC *remote = [[GSXMLRPC alloc] initWithURL: @"http:// yourtargetapp/"];
  id result = [remote makeMethodCall:@"doIt" params: nil timeout: 5];

and you are done, or this one:


or any of the other implementations which are available for years.

Note that I would find it quite interesting to implement a JSON-RPC class, but this just for the pure fun, it makes absolutely no sense in the real world unless you communicate directly with a browser :-)

Helge Hess

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