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Re: [GDL2] custom class creation

From: David Ayers
Subject: Re: [GDL2] custom class creation
Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2008 15:46:29 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20080110)

Hello Blake

Blake Nicholson schrieb:
(Note: I originally sent this to help-gnustep, but my message neither went through nor bounced. I apologize in advance if people end up receiving duplicates.)

I, for one, didn't receive it.

From what class should custom enterprise objects inherit, NSObject or EOGenericRecord?

Well technically both should work.

I've tried both ways and have not been successful running the following code snippet:

job = [[ESJob alloc] init];
[job setStyle:8];
[ec insertObject:job];
[ec saveChanges];
NSLog(@"%@", [jobDS fetchObjects]);

where ec is my EOEditingContext and jobDS is an EODatabaseDataSource for the ESJob entity (I followed the setup in the GDL2 examples).

It's been a while... where exactly did we hide these examples? They don't seem to be in svn. I remember that some old examples were incorrect due to buggy GDL2 implementation at the time.

When I inherit from EOGenericRecord, the code fails when saving changes and gives the output I copied in below. When ESJob inherits from NSObject, the code fails when I attempt to fetch the objects (Bus error).

I am running OS X (Leopard) and am using the sources from svn (the revision I'm working with is 26179 for make, baseadd, and gdl2). My library combo is apple-apple-apple. I've included the interface and implementation files for my ESJob class that inherits from NSObject below the error output I've received. If you need any other info, please let me know.


*** Error when ESJob inherits from EOGenericRecord ***
2008-03-03 01:35:52.710 test[33391:10b] *** Assertion failure in -[EODatabase entityForObject:], EODatabase.m:321 2008-03-03 01:35:52.734 test[33391:10b] No object entity name for object <ESJob 0x42f530 : classDescription=(null)
}> of class ESJob (No object entity name for object <ESJob 0x42f530 : classDescription=(null)
}> of class ESJob)

This seems to indicate that the EOModel containing the EOEntity for ESJob wasn't found. Maybe you could send me the eomodel files (or a small project tarball) privately and I can have a look this evening.

In general we create new instances of enterprise objects with:
<code compiled="NO"; tested="NO";>

  EOEntity *entity = [[EOModelGroup defaultGroup] entityNamed: @"ESJob"];
  EOClassDescription *cd = [entity classDescriptionForInstances];
  job = [cd createInstanceWithEditingContext: ec
            globalID: nil
            zone: NULL];
  [ec insertObject:job];
  [ec saveChanges];


This will insure the invocation of all the initialization methods which are part of the GDL2 API are invoked.

WRT inheriting from NSObject vs. EOGenericReocord:

GDL2 tries to replace some of the KVC methods at runtime to mirror the semantics of WebObjects 4.5. This method/category swiziling was developed with GNU runtime and gnustep-base. AFAIR we had /some/ success on OS X with the Apple runtime and Foundation at the time. But that's a few years back so I can easily imagine that either

a) we didn't / couldn't catch all the tricky semantics
b) we are subject to bit-rot.


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