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Re: All GNUstep apps have blank windows, and lots of apps won't compile

From: Tim Kack
Subject: Re: All GNUstep apps have blank windows, and lots of apps won't compile
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2008 09:50:52 +0200

Hi Samuel,

Regarding the failing gdl2, I was looking at the output in the pastebin
and noticed:

"Palette.h:26:40: warning: InterfaceBuilder/IBPalette.h: No such file or
You need to install dev-apps/gorm first before trying to compile GDL2 to
get the necessary headers for building the GDL2Palette.
The other thing I noticed is that it seems that you have two libobjc
"/usr/bin/ld: warning: libobjc.so.2, needed
by /usr/GNUstep/System/Library/Libraries/libgnustep-gui.so, may conflict
with libobjc.so.1"
GSWeb will not compile until you have compiled GDL2.

The problems with gnustep-db is indeed a problem and the GCObject.h is
declared in GNUstepBase. 

Regarding the blank windows, are you using desktop composition (like
compiz, beryl etc)? Which window manager are you using?

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

On Mon, 2008-10-20 at 22:42 +0000, Samuel Harvey wrote:
> Blank windows problem:
> ----------------------
> Running any GNUstep app displays a collection of windows that are
> entirely white or black. The window decorations display correct window
> names (e.g. Inspector). If I click where the Quit button should be on
> the menu, it will quit.
> I have attempted compiling modules/core/back to use various graphical
> backends. I have turned off text-antialiasing as specified in the FAQ
> ( http://wiki.gnustep.org/index.php/User_FAQ#Troubleshooting ).
> This happens using the packages built for my system (Debian Linux
> testing), as well as the svn trunk.
> Compilation problem:
> --------------------
> These will not compile (modules/dev-libs):
> db        ( http://pastebin.com/f56b9edbb )
> gdl2      ( http://pastebin.com/f80b962f )
> gscrypt   ( http://pastebin.com/f383838ac )
> gsgd      ( http://pastebin.com/f3c303ebe )
> gsweb     ( http://pastebin.com/f4a1c5755 )
> guile     ( http://pastebin.com/f4f973a7f )
> java      ( http://pastebin.com/f728faff0 )
> smbkit    ( http://pastebin.com/f66789139 )
> Representative error message (from db):
> ***
> In file included from exceptions/EOFExceptions.m:30:
> ../eoaccess/EOEntity.h:31:33: warning: extensions/GCObject.h: No such
> file or directory
> ../eoaccess/EOEntity.h:32:32: warning: extensions/GCArray.h: No such
> file or directory
> ../eoaccess/EOEntity.h:33:37: warning: extensions/GCDictionary.h: No
> such file or directory
> ***
> All of those files do exist in
> /usr/GNUstep/System/Library/Headers/GNUstepBase/, but there is no
> folder on my system named extensions that contains those files.
> The section in the User FAQ on compilation problems didn't seem to
> apply if I understood correctly; LD_LIBRARY_PATH is the same for my
> user and for root, not to mention that I'm not compiling as root.
> Compiling as root gives the same error.
> Probably relevant system information:
> ----------------------------
> Debian GNU/Linux (testing) lappy02 2.6.26-1-686 #1 SMP
> gcc version 4.3.2 (Debian 4.3.2-1)
> GNUstep version: trunk rev 26848
> Since GNUstep seems to be compiling and working for everyone else, I'm
> obviously doing something wrong.
> Sam H
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