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Re: building on debian wheezy 7.0

From: Riccardo Mottola
Subject: Re: building on debian wheezy 7.0
Date: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 10:29:30 +0100
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Michael P. Soulier wrote:
On 03/11/13 Riccardo Mottola said:

Just add the corresponding repository. Something like:

deb http://coyote.octets.fr/pub/gnustep/packages/wheezy/i386/ ./
So, I've tried that, and while WindowMaker is working, GWorkspace is still
pretty much useless.

The only app in my tools inspector is Preview, which I uninstalled 'cause it
didn't work. And if I click on a pdf I get

/usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/ViewPDF.app/ViewPDF: error while loading shared
libraries: libPopplerKit.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
it is mising one of its dependencies.
Meanwhile I now have /usr/share/GNUstep and /usr/lib/GNUstep/ directories and
I'm not sure which one to use.

Not sure how to make GWorkspace useful...
I fear you have overlapping applications. But please try to

1) make sure PRICE works. Open it and open an Image from its "Open" menu
2) type "make_services" and then restart GWorkspace
3) let's wait for Philippe explanations

Philippe packages unstable stuff, that is, really what is being tested and developed lately so for sure it has to work. I wonder if the "switch" from the Debian old-cruft to the super-new-unreleased happened smoothly. For sure they can't co-exist.
msoulier@egor:~$ ls /usr/share/GNUstep/
batmon.app      debian         GVim.app         ProjectCenter.app
Bundles         DocTemplates   Ink.app          SimpleAgenda.app
Calculator.app  Documentation  KeyBindings      SystemPreferences.app
Charmap.app     Fonts          Libraries        ViewPDF.app
ColorPickers    Frameworks     Makefiles        WrapperFactory.app
Colors          GNUMail.app    NSPanelTest.app
Cynthiune.app   Grr.app        PostScript
msoulier@egor:~$ ls /usr/lib/GNUstep/App

this is wrong, IMHO. You shouldn't have ".app" bundles in /usr/share/GNUstep ? I am confused by your setup.
Applications/       ApplicationSupport/
msoulier@egor:~$ ls /usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications
AddressManager.app              GSSpeechServer.app  Recycler.app
batmon.app                      GSTest.app          SimpleAgenda.app
Calculator.app                  GVim.app            SystemPreferences.app
Charmap.app                     GWorkspace.app      TalkSoup.app
CurrencyConverter.app           Ink.app             Terminal.app
Cynthiune.app                   md5Digest.app       TextEdit.app
GNUMail.app                     NSBrowserTest.app   TimeMon.app
Gorm.app                        NSImageTest.app     ViewPDF.app
Gridlock.app                    NSPanelTest.app     VolumeControl.app
Grr.app                         NSScreenTest.app    WrapperFactory.app
GSMarkupBrowser.app             PRICE.app           Zipper.app
GSMarkupLocalizableStrings.app  ProjectCenter.app
Lots of apps! well, there is no use to install all *Test.app however you have, to view images, PRICE.

I'd mark as missing "LaternaMagica" (single-window image viewer, compared to PRICE which is more a multi-document image filtering program). GSPdf (a PDF & PS viewer, which wraps ghostscript and is very useful for printing preview).

You miss other minor apps, but all the essential stuff seems to be there.


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