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Re: Newbie needs some help...

From: Josh Freeman
Subject: Re: Newbie needs some help...
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2017 13:47:48 -0400

That tutorial links to GNUstep & libobjc2 sources that are several years out of date.

There's an Ubuntu script on the GNUstep wiki for building the latest GS & libobjc2 versions - it might also work on Debian:

Note that the script installs the clang package from your distro's repository (clang 3.5 on Debian Jessie); Since you mentioned you already had clang 3.9, I'd recommend modifying the script before you run it to remove clang from the list of packages to install, as installing over a newer clang version might cause issues:

   Modify "16.04 & 16.10" script, line 26 - remove "clang":
sudo apt -y install clang git ninja cmake libffi-dev libxml2-dev \
sudo apt -y install git ninja cmake libffi-dev libxml2-dev \



On Apr 20, 2017, at 10:12 AM, Yan Le Guen wrote:

Hello All,

As the subject line pushed out, I'm a real GNUstep newbie! Recently participate to a Mac project and develop using both ObjC and XCode... and began to be ObjC addict!

Since I'm running Debian Jessie, I would install GNUstep on my computer, I've read some tutos 'bout installing the whole stuff and choose to follow: <https://blog.tlensing.org/2013/02/24/objective-c-on-linux-setting-up-gnustep-clang-llvm-objective-c-2-0-blocks-runtime-gcd-on-ubuntu-12-04/ >.

Before anything else I'm trying to compile and install libobjc2-1.8...
cd to the unpacked libobjc dir and then do:
mkdir build
cd build

abort with the following error:
CMake Error at opts/CMakeLists.txt:4 (include):
  include could not find load file:


CMake Error at opts/CMakeLists.txt:11 (add_llvm_loadable_module):
  Unknown CMake command "add_llvm_loadable_module".

I'm running Clang 3.9 and llvm 3.9 for over a year having not such error.
What dit I miss in my config, where am I wrong?

Thanks in advance

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