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Re: [Dolibarr-dev] Translation terms update

From: Doursenaud , Raphaël
Subject: Re: [Dolibarr-dev] Translation terms update
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2015 18:29:43 +0200

Hi Yannick,

We use translation tokens that mitigates this issue, so you can freely modify the en_US lang files without affecting any other translation.

The way it works is:
    global $langs;
    echo $lang->trans("MyToken");

MyToken = My token

MyToken = Mon jeton

When you're translating in any language, Transifex uses the token to extract the en_US translation as a base text.
What really matters is the token.

Changing the tokens on the other hand is frowned upon for the very reason you exposed: the string would need to be retranslated in every language.
Unless the token is really meaningless, it's better leaving it there.

en_US/langfile.lang should be updated in the source code.
This file is then pushed to transifex and used as the base language.
All other language files are pulled from Transifex every once in a while so you better not modify them in the source code as they will be overwritten by the sync.

Hope it helps.

2015-07-09 17:58 GMT+02:00 Yannick Warnier <address@hidden>:

If a term is clearly incorrect in English, which is the basis language for all translations, what is the update procedure?

For example,, in English, says "Version program" but in French, it says "Version programmes", which should be specified, in English, as "Programs versions".

In this case, modifying the variable itself in Git would in fact end up creating a *new* variable and loosing all translations of the "Version program" variable that currently exist, right?

Or is en_US also "translatable" so the term itself does not really matter? (even though it might confuse translators like me at the time of translating).



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Raphaël Doursenaud
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