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[DotGNU]A Stargazer snapshot...

From: Vassilis Pandis
Subject: [DotGNU]A Stargazer snapshot...
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 13:58:14 +0100 (BST)

Here's some code. It's nearly RC1, I have to work on
it a little bit more though ( it starts but I don't
know if it actually works yet ). In the meantime I'm
thinking of using SourceForge but register at Savannah
too, and have all Savannah links point to Sourceforge
or the other way round. Anyway, I set up a temporary
site at geocities,
Any feedback would be greately appreciated!

Ps: Could it be a part of the DotGNU package ? I have
not received any reply about this, not even by the
core team ( I mailed their mailing list ) .It cannot
be merged with VRS but it can be used to balance
multiple VRS clusters ( among other uses; it does not
have any DotGNU specific code anyway, it's a general
purpose load balancer ).

Ps 2: The README in the tarball corresponds to the
final release of 0.1.0.

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