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Re: [Duplicity-talk] --name option seems to duplicate cache *EXPLAINED*

From: Kenneth R Smith
Subject: Re: [Duplicity-talk] --name option seems to duplicate cache *EXPLAINED*
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 10:43:40 -0600
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I was going to include a log here, but no need.
In between my replies, I figured out the problem, and it was of course my mistake.

My script had these two lines in it:

duplicity --name backup-bs4 -v6 --include-globbing-filelist /home/backup/backup.lst --exclude '**' --full-if-older-than 1M / s3+http://domain-name-edited/bs4
duplicity remove-older-than 1Y --force s3+http://domain-name-edited/bs4

Since I was not using the --name option on the "remove-older-than" command, it was maintaining its own 3.5GB cache. Kenneth Loafman advice to look at the dates was the tipoff. The caches were updated two minutes apart. Now, perhaps the software should not need a cache to be able to check for and remove old backups on the destination. That's an issue that might be worth considering. I expect especially if there were no local cache this could cause a lot of downloading that seems extraneous.

In any event, for my issue, adding --name to the second command has everything running great and I have deleted the second cache.

Thanks, -Ken-

>From Kenneth Loafman:
>Take a look at the dates on the folders. I'm betting that the unnamed one was from a previous backup, perhaps where you forgot to use the --name option. These things happen.
>It would be safe to delete the oldest one, then rename the one left to it's proper name.

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