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From: Drew Adams
Subject: resize-mini-windows
Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2007 15:24:21 -0800

1. Shouldn't user option `resize-mini-windows' be documented in Elisp manual
node Intro to Minibuffers, where the resizing is explained? That is,
shouldn't we tell users that (and how) they can control the resizing?

2. With `resize-mini-windows' = `grow-only' (the default), if I put a face
on a character in the minibuffer prompt, and the face has a :box with
1-pixel border, then the minibuffer grows about a character in height.

That seems unnecessary - why should 2 more pixels in height necessitate such
a gross resizing? I guess the answer is that frames and windows must be an
integral number of characters in height. But it still seems odd.

If I set `resize-mini-windows' = nil, the boxed character is shown
completely, including both top and bottom box borders, so I don't think the
resizing is because "the contents require more space" (from the doc).
Something seems wrong with the computation of the needed height. Unless,
that is, an additional space is supposed to always be present above and
below the displayed characters.

The Elisp manual also says, to introduce the idea of resizing, "The
minibuffer's window is normally a single line..." It should say "The
minibuffer's height is that of a single line", because as it stands now it
gives the impression that additional lines are added during resizing. In
what I see, there is still only a single minibuffer line (single line of
text), but the minibuffer height is increased.

FYI, this is the face I put on a character, to provoke the jump in height:

(defface foo
    '((((type x w32 mac graphic) (class color))
       (:box (:line-width 1 :color "Red") :foreground "Red" :background
      (t (:inverse-video t)))
  "..." :group 'faces)

If I use a standalone minibuffer frame, I see no change in height, BTW.
Perhaps that is because there is sufficient height already; I'm not sure.

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