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Bzr document unclear. There is no "conflict markers".

From: Jan Djärv
Subject: Bzr document unclear. There is no "conflict markers".
Date: Sun, 03 Jan 2010 13:44:59 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)


I tried to follow the worklflow for a quick change:

"Workflow for a Quick Change

First, refresh your mirror and then the working branch:

      cd $DEVHOME/emacs/trunk
      bzr update                     # update from the upstream master 
      cd ../quickfixes
      bzr merge                      # update from /trunk/ (optional)

The reason you use “merge” instead of “update” in the task branch is that your task branch has local changes – it has diverged (a bit) from the upstream master, and so any changes from upstream have to be merged with your changes.

The merge may fail due to a change that conflicts with your branch. You’ll need to fix the problem (looking for conflict markers and editing, just as in CVS), then ..."

When I do the merge it just says:

% bzr merge
bzr: ERROR: Working tree "/home/jhd/src/bzr/emacs/fixes/" has uncommitted changes (See bzr status).

If I do bzr status, almost the whole tree is listed as modified (except files added and removed and not version controlled).

I certainly didn't modify all files, in fact I modified none. I just tried to sync from savannah before starting to modify files. Is this expected from bzr? Should I create a new branch each time I sync from savannah, as reusing branches for fixes doesn't work?

        Jan D.

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