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Re: What is emacs architecture ?

From: Fren Zeee
Subject: Re: What is emacs architecture ?
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2010 15:04:37 -0700

On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 10:12 AM, Chad Brown <address@hidden> wrote:
> On Jul 19, 2010, at 7:43 AM, Óscar Fuentes wrote:
> Now, you have Emacs' sources on the "emacs" subdirectory.
> Importantly, you have Emacs source with history and ChangeLogs going back to
> the late 1980's.
> It's probably not a totally complete history, but it is reasonably close.
> *Chad

Let me make sure I understand correctly, when I execute the command
offered by Oscar, it will get all the sources going back to 80's. How
are they organized and how do I find out which is a consistent
selection ? Are they organized by incremental diffs ? Take for example
a file like


Suppose there are 5, 50 or 500 files that go to make emacs, actually i
dont have any idea of the size. Then out of the 20 versions of each or
say 20 incremental patches, how does one get the consistent set ?

How much disk space needed by sources and additional for compilation ?

Thanks again.

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