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Re: ELisp futures and continuations/coroutines

From: Ted Zlatanov
Subject: Re: ELisp futures and continuations/coroutines
Date: Tue, 31 May 2011 05:53:17 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.110018 (No Gnus v0.18) Emacs/24.0.50 (gnu/linux)

On Tue, 24 May 2011 21:02:38 -0500 Ted Zlatanov <address@hidden> wrote: 

TZ> OK, I did as you asked.  See attached, which has commentary, error
TZ> handling, and ERT tests.  I rewrote some trivial functions as defmacros.

I'm trying to push and keep getting an error (break-lock didn't work):

Using saved push location: /home/tzz/source/emacs/trunk/
Unable to obtain lock  held by tzz                                              
at vcs-noshell [process #20860], acquired 1 second ago.
See "bzr help break-lock" for more.
bzr: ERROR: Could not acquire lock "(remote lock)": 

I have to run and can't figure out how to fix it; can someone please
commit the attached patch that adds url-future.el?


=== modified file 'lisp/url/ChangeLog'
--- lisp/url/ChangeLog  2011-05-29 02:45:03 +0000
+++ lisp/url/ChangeLog  2011-05-31 10:46:44 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2011-05-31  Teodor Zlatanov  <address@hidden>
+       * url-future.el: Add general futures facility.
 2011-05-29  Leo Liu  <address@hidden>
        * url-cookie.el (url-cookie): Add option :named so that

=== added file 'lisp/url/url-future.el'
--- lisp/url/url-future.el      1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ lisp/url/url-future.el      2011-05-31 10:45:57 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+;;; url-future.el --- general futures facility for url.el
+;; Copyright (C) 2011  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Teodor Zlatanov <address@hidden>
+;; Keywords: data
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Make a url-future (basically a defstruct):
+;; (make-url-future :value (lambda () (calculation goes here))
+;;   :callback (lambda (future) (use future on success))
+;;   :errorback (lambda (future &rest error) (error handler)))
+;; Then either call it with `url-future-call' or cancel it with
+;; `url-future-cancel'.  Generally the functions will return the
+;; future itself, not the value it holds.  Also the functions will
+;; throw a url-future-already-done error if you try to call or cancel
+;; a future more than once.
+;; So, to get the value:
+;; (when (url-future-completed-p future) (url-future-value future))
+;; See the ERT tests and the code for futher details.
+;;; Code:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+(eval-when-compile (require 'ert))
+(defstruct url-future callback errorback status value)
+(defmacro url-future-done-p (url-future)
+  `(url-future-status ,url-future))
+(defmacro url-future-completed-p (url-future)
+  `(eq (url-future-status ,url-future) t))
+(defmacro url-future-errored-p (url-future)
+  `(eq (url-future-status ,url-future) 'error))
+(defmacro url-future-cancelled-p (url-future)
+  `(eq (url-future-status ,url-future) 'cancel))
+(defun url-future-finish (url-future &optional status)
+  (if (url-future-done-p url-future)
+      (signal 'error 'url-future-already-done)
+    (setf (url-future-status url-future) (or status t))
+    ;; the status must be such that the future was completed
+    ;; to run the callback
+    (when (url-future-completed-p url-future)
+      (funcall (or (url-future-callback url-future) 'ignore)
+               url-future))
+    url-future))
+(defun url-future-errored (url-future errorcons)
+  (if (url-future-done-p url-future)
+      (signal 'error 'url-future-already-done)
+    (setf (url-future-status url-future) 'error)
+    (setf (url-future-value url-future) errorcons)
+    (funcall (or (url-future-errorback url-future) 'ignore)
+             url-future errorcons)))
+(defun url-future-call (url-future)
+  (if (url-future-done-p url-future)
+      (signal 'error 'url-future-already-done)
+    (let ((ff (url-future-value url-future)))
+      (when (functionp ff)
+        (condition-case catcher
+            (setf (url-future-value url-future)
+                  (funcall ff))
+          (error (url-future-errored url-future catcher)))
+        (url-future-value url-future)))
+    (if (url-future-errored-p url-future)
+        url-future
+      (url-future-finish url-future))))
+(defun url-future-cancel (url-future)
+  (if (url-future-done-p url-future)
+      (signal 'error 'url-future-already-done)
+    (url-future-finish url-future 'cancel)))
+(ert-deftest url-future-test ()
+  (let* ((text "running future")
+         (good (make-url-future :value (lambda () (format text))
+                                :callback (lambda (f) (set 'saver f))))
+         (bad (make-url-future :value (lambda () (/ 1 0))
+                               :errorback (lambda (&rest d) (set 'saver d))))
+         (tocancel (make-url-future :value (lambda () (/ 1 0))
+                                    :callback (lambda (f) (set 'saver f))
+                                    :errorback (lambda (&rest d)
+                                                 (set 'saver d))))
+         saver)
+    (should (equal good (url-future-call good)))
+    (should (equal good saver))
+    (should (equal text (url-future-value good)))
+    (should (url-future-completed-p good))
+    (should-error (url-future-call good))
+    (setq saver nil)
+    (should (equal bad (url-future-call bad)))
+    (should-error (url-future-call bad))
+    (should (equal saver (list bad '(arith-error))))
+    (should (url-future-errored-p bad))
+    (setq saver nil)
+    (should (equal (url-future-cancel tocancel) tocancel))
+    (should-error (url-future-call tocancel))
+    (should (null saver))
+    (should (url-future-cancelled-p tocancel))))
+(provide 'url-future)
+;;; url-future.el ends here

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