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Re: A unified project root interface

From: David Engster
Subject: Re: A unified project root interface
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 17:32:32 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.130006 (Ma Gnus v0.6) Emacs/24.2.93 (gnu/linux)

Eric M. Ludlam writes:
W> On 03/20/2013 01:47 PM, Stefan Monnier wrote:
>> Sorry, I mostly meant "split eieio.el".  What parts?  Well, that's
>> a good question.  I think if I knew, I'd have done that already ;-)
>> Maybe a first split would be "all the code in eieio.el up until the end
>> of the first big eval-and-compile".
>> At least, if the aim is to get rid of those nasty eval-and-compile.
> This email, and browsing in eieio.el in the CEDET repository gave me
> an a-ha moment.  I think I know how to "split" eieio such that the
> eval-and-compile elements are fixed, and have a much nicer eieio.el in
> the process.  My initial experiments show I'm on the right track.
> David, is there something that needs merging from Emacs to CEDET I
> need to worry about before making massive structural changes in EIEIO?

No, it's all already merged to upstream, including the renames by

> If the goal is to use EDE's detection scheme and data, but not load
> EDE project classes, then we are all set already since the EDE project
> classes are not directly involved in detecting the projects.  If the
> goal is to not use EIEIO at all, then we'd end up just using a plist
> other random data structure instead of using EIEIO to do it.  This
> wouldn't be a big deal because AFAIK, these classes aren't subclassed,
> so impact would be small.

Let's talk examples, then. Say we have

 (ede-project-autoload "vcs-root"
                       :name "VCS ROOT"
                       :file 'vcs-root
                       :proj-file 'ede-check-for-vcs-dirs
                       :proj-root 'ede-vcs-root-dir
                       :proj-root-dirmatch "NONE"
                       :class-sym 'ede-vcs-root-project
                       :load-type 'ede-vcs-root-load
                       :new-p nil
                       :safe-p t)

So from that we'd take the list of slots, which is practically a plist,
and would write something akin to ede-dir-to-projectfile, but using
plist-get/set instead of oref/oset?

And what would happen when `ede-check-for-vcs-dirs' returns t?  Would
that load EDE then, or would we try to go on to provide the basic
functionality (like getting the root) with a class-less version?


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