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Re: Default history-length should be higher

From: Michael Welsh Duggan
Subject: Re: Default history-length should be higher
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 00:00:50 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.130008 (Ma Gnus v0.8) Emacs/24.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Tom <address@hidden> writes:

> Drew Adams <drew.adams <at> oracle.com> writes:
>> BTW, whether someone finds a history list of 1000 elements to be
>> long or reasonable might also have to do with how they access its
>> elements.
>> If someone typically just cycles among elements using, say, `M-p',
>> instead of searching (using, say, `M-r') or completing, then 1000
>> would generally be far too long a list - as would even 100 probably.
>> (I tend to complete against the history list.)
> All users should know at least M-r, it's in the manual, so it 
> should be no argument against a longer history list.

FWIW, I've been using emacs for many, many years, and did not know about
M-r.  On the other hand, I don't object to increasing the history size,
because now I know about M-r!  Thanks!

Michael Welsh Duggan

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