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Re: Best practice for mocking functions/prompts/etc.

From: Nic Ferrier
Subject: Re: Best practice for mocking functions/prompts/etc.
Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:17:50 +0000

Jorgen Schaefer <address@hidden> writes:

> (defun the-function ()
>   (read-file-name "Foo: "))
> (ert-deftest the-function ()
>   ;; Describe the-function
>   ;; It should prompt the user for a file name.
>   (cl-letf* ((called-prompt nil)
>              (test-file "/test-file")
>              ((symbol-function 'read-file-name)
>               (lambda (prompt)
>                 (setq called-prompt prompt)
>                 test-file)))
>     (let ((returned-file (the-function)))
>       (should (equal returned-file test-file))
>       (should (equal called-prompt "Foo: ")))))
> Is there a better way? Especially one that makes it easier to check if
> the function was called at all and with what arguments, as opposed to
> carrying around 1-2 extra variables per mocked function?

I don't see any reason to test all those things for every interactive
function. I think interactive working (or not) should be tested once, by
some tests around interactive. You don't have to test that.

In this example, you should just mock read-file-name. Which you're

Using cl-letf, cl-labels, cl-flet or noflet would all be ok I think.

There are elisp mocking libs. But with lisp you don't really need them.


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