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Re: Patch queue management systems

From: Thomas Koch
Subject: Re: Patch queue management systems
Date: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 22:49:15 +0100
User-agent: KMail/4.14.1 (Linux/3.16.0-4-amd64; KDE/4.14.2; x86_64; ; )

We use gerrit at work so I can comment for it.

On Saturday, December 06, 2014 08:12:31 AM Ted Zlatanov wrote:
> My wishlist for a patch queue management system (PR/pull request system
> for those familiar with the Github model):
> * targeted hydra builds for a specific branch
I don't know hydra. We use jenkins which has a very good plugin to integrate 
with gerrit. Every commit that lands in gerrit triggers a jenkins build and 
jenkins leaves a vote afterwards in gerrit. Thus a human doesn't need to do a 
review as long as the jenkins build isn't good.

> * a click-and-done way to merge a specific branch into master or emacs-24
This is called 'submit' in gerrit and it's click-and-done.

> * maybe a comment system
In gerrit you can comment and reply on every line of the commit, the commit 
message or comment on the whole change.

> * maybe debbugs integration (but I do hate debbugs... really hate it...)
- easy: link from gerrit changes to debbugs if a bug is referenced in the 
commit message
- a bit more involved: trigger debbugs actions for actions in gerrit (new 
change, change merged...)

> * ability to review the potential ChangeLog entries that will be
>   generated from the commit
The commit message is part of the review. We generate changelogs from commit 
messages and add an 'ignore:' trailer if a commit should not be included in 
the changelog.

A massive advantage of gerrit over reviewboard as used by the Apache 
Foundation is the frictionless integration with git.

On the other hand gerrit is extremely powerful and customizable which might be 
a problem for somebody setting it up for the first time.

Regards, Thomas Koch

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