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Re: HTML-Info design

From: Steinar Bang
Subject: Re: HTML-Info design
Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 13:53:08 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13001 (Ma Gnus v0.10) Emacs/24.3 (windows-nt)

>>>>> Phillip Lord <address@hidden>:

> In the case of HTML-info the level of semantics requires is pretty
> small. As far as I can see, the knowledge is rather limited to a
> little big of navigational, and index data and some "this is a
> function", "this is a var" data.

I was mainly thinking about the navigational and index data as
candidates for RDFa markup.  But the "this is a function" and "this is a
var", with programming language information might also be useful for an
HTML-info-specific renderer (or someone else linking to the
documentation, or for search).

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