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Re: Question on pcase

From: Oleh Krehel
Subject: Re: Question on pcase
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2015 16:55:15 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Hi Micheal,

Thanks for your work, it could be useful to many people.

Michael Heerdegen <address@hidden> writes:

> Someone who wants to try to learn pcase (Oleh? Oleh!) can help by
> reading it and telling me if it is understandable, and send corrections
> - or write a better introduction ;-) - and format it nicely for
> inclusion into Elpa or Emacs when it turns out to help people.

The reason I dislike `pcase' is not because I don't know how to use it
(the basic rules are actually pretty simple), it's because I think it
leads to code that's hard to understand, maintain and transform. I
dislike the trivial `if-let' and `when-let' for the same reasons.

I generally dislike any custom macro that includes `if' or binds
variables. This is because I can't reason about the code that uses these
macros unless I know exactly what they do in terms of binding variables
and selecting branches. These macros don't follow the substitution model
for procedure application (SMPA) [1], which is a valuable debugging
technique for me.

However, I'm willing to implement some tooling that will allow `pcase'
to follow SMPA.

Take this code for example, with "|" being the point:

(pcase which
  (`all t)
  |(`safe (member fun completion--capf-safe-funs))
  (`optimist (not (member fun completion--capf-misbehave-funs))))

Here, the (`all t) branch is selected, and the `which' symbol
can be extracted from the context with `up-list'.  I've implemented a
function that prints "pcase: nil" if the selected branch doesn't match,
and "pcase: t" when it matches.

This way, when I'm debugging a code with `pcase' I can see which branch
is the correct one without evaluating the code inside the branch.  After
this, I can step into the correct branch and use SMPA.

Of course, this function would also need to bind the same variables that
a `pcase' branch would bind.

Taking your example:

(pcase x
  ('a       1)
  ("Hallo"  2)
  |(thing    (message "%s is neither equal to 'a nor to \"Hallo\"." thing)))

This is what I would like to have:

(equal (macroexpand '(eval-pcase-branch x
                      (thing (message "%s is neither equal to 'a nor to 
\"Hallo\"." thing))))
         (setq thing x)
         (message "pcase: t")))

After this, the inner body of the branch can be properly evaluated,
since `thing' is bound to `x' now.

So far, I've implemented some code that can check if each branch will be
followed, see

But the code that binds the variables, e.g. (setq thing x) will likely
be hard to implement. For instance, look at this example with macroexpand:

(setq test '(1 . 2))
(pcase test
  (`(,foo . ,baz)
    (cons baz foo)))
;; =>
;; (2 . 1)

(macroexpand '(pcase test
               (`(,foo . ,baz)
                (cons baz foo))))
;; =>
;; (if (consp test)
;;     (let* ((x (car test))
;;            (x (cdr test)))
;;       (let ((baz x)
;;             (foo x))
;;         (cons baz foo)))
;;   nil)

The macroexpanded code returns (2 . 2) when evaluated. This I don't
understand. Although, it still works fine with `eval':

(eval (macroexpand '(pcase test
                     (`(,foo . ,baz)
                      (cons baz foo)))))
;; =>
;; (2 . 1)

Maybe someone could explain the above, and also suggest the best way the
create variable bindings from a pcase branch.

thanks again,

[1]: https://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/sicp/book/node10.html

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