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Re: What's missing in ELisp that makes people want to use cl-lib?

From: Bob Rogers
Subject: Re: What's missing in ELisp that makes people want to use cl-lib?
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2023 12:51:38 -0700

   From: Emanuel Berg <incal@dataswamp.org>
   Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2023 03:21:30 +0100

   Bob Rogers wrote:

   > I think we are not really talking about arbitrary decisions here,
   > but about language style decisions . . .

   So let's hear it then, what is it that sets Emacs 18 Elisp
   apart from Emacs 30 Elisp . . .

Briefly, it's now a much larger language . . .

   and how is the Emacs 30 Elisp less coherent than the Emacs 18 Elisp?

   underground experts united

. . . and the additions have come from diverse sources.  It started as a
Maclisp subset with extensions to support editing.  The issue is that
the programming features have grown, and not only from Common Lisp,
moving it away from its Maclisp roots.  (This, I believe, is the gist of
Richard's complaint.)  And the language editing features have (not
surprisingly) grown with Emacs' growth as an editor, as they have had to
do, which has unavoidably added to the learning curve you have to climb
before you can contribute to Emacs.  It has also made the language more
about editing and less about programming, which IMHO makes the style
question less acute.

                                        -- Bob

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