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Re: cp932, cp949, c950 definitions

From: Jason Rumney
Subject: Re: cp932, cp949, c950 definitions
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 19:38:48 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110002 (No Gnus v0.2) Emacs/21.3.50 (windows-nt)

Dave Love <address@hidden> writes:

> Jason Rumney <address@hidden> writes:
>> That might be the case for the extra characters in cp950 and
>> cp932. But the extra characters in cp949 are precomposed Hangeul,
>> a phonetic alphabet used only in Korea and unlikely to be covered in
>> CNS.
> Is `Hangeul' different from `Hangul' (the Unicode term for Korean)?  I
> thought that CNS was fairly comprehensive for CJK, but I don't know
> where I got that idea.

Hangeul is just an alternative romanisation of the same word.

I don't know for sure whether CNS covers Hangeul, but it is a
Taiwanese Standard, and my understanding is that it is an extension of
Big-5 to include historical and rarely used Chinese characters.

>>> If they're composed versions of things in
>>> ksc5601, presumably they could be dealt with by post-read and
>>> pre-write conversions operating with the compositions.
>> Probably, but its beyond my understanding.
> It needs a table of composition rules, and code to assemble and
> dissemble compositions on reading and writing, somewhat the inverse of
> the normal composition mechanism.  Presumably handa can advise if
> someone wants to do it.
> I'm surprised there aren't composition rules already, if Korean uses
> composed characters.

I think it is more common to use precomposed glyphs, but Unicode
contains both. I guess the extra glyphs from cp949 must be very
rarely used if they are missing from ksc5601 and noone has added
composition rules yet.

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