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Re: autorevert doesn't change mode-line-modified anymore

From: Klaus Zeitler
Subject: Re: autorevert doesn't change mode-line-modified anymore
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 12:21:43 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/21.3.50 (usg-unix-v)

>>>>> "Luc" == Luc Teirlinck <address@hidden> writes:
    Luc> I do not understand what the "Subject: " header line means:
    Luc>   autorevert doesn't change mode-line-modified anymore
    Luc> nor what it has to do with the actual original message text.  We are
    Luc> talking about `buffer-read-only' is it not?

Sorry, that was the first visible clue, that something had changed. While I
investigated my problem, I figured out that this happened due to the setting
of buffer-read-only, but I forgot to change the subject.


|  Klaus Zeitler      Lucent Technologies  |
|  Email:             address@hidden  |
The right to revolt has sources deep in our history.
         -- Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas

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